4. Night by the Waterfall

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Lue could tell Josandra had never been on a horse before. It sucked that her first time on one had to be a stallion. They weren't exactly for beginners. Lue tried to keep the pace slow and steady, but it didn't matter. Though Josandra didn't voice it, she was petrified. She glued herself to Lue as though she would fall off at any second. She sat behind her, arms tightly wrapped around Lue's waist. Her head buried at the back of Lue's neck. It made Lue uncomfortable as hell.

Even with Bella or Zaria, they didn't do the whole touching thing much. No hugs, no handshakes. Things like that made her feel squeamish and weird. She'd rather much avoid all facets of physical human connection if she could.

But she didn't complain with Josandra. She'd just have to bear it a little more. It was either that or Josandra accidently fell off Buffalo, broke her spine and then Lue had no map.

A few hours later, late afternoon, they found an abandoned cottage further west of Ingrich. Lue went in first, inspecting the place, but she didn't find anyone. The home was abandoned. The stove didn't work, but there was an abandoned mattress in one of the rooms that looked clean. Lue decided that they'd stay here for the night. It'd be too dangerous to keep going when it was about to get dark.

Josandra was outside on the lawn. She was trying to pet Buffalo, but she was standing too far away out of fear. The grass stood six feet tall, almost hiding them and the cottage.

"Are we staying here?" she asked.

"Yeah, for the night," Lue replied. "Let's look around."

They left Buffalo and began to hike. After walking for ten minutes, they came to a river.

Lue decided they should fish. They had to eat something. She had never done anything for herself in her life at all, but she had read about fishing, read a lot of survival books too. Growing up, her mom never understood why she did it, but with the way things were turning out in the palace, she didn't imagine herself living there for very long.

"Can I bathe here?" Josandra asked.

"No, don't you see the fish?" Lue frowned.

Josandra leaned in, "Oh yeah, that's right."

She kept rubbing at her arm, signaling how dirty she must've felt. It made Lue feel smelly and sweaty too, but food was first. They'd pass out in the water if they didn't eat.

"We're going to catch some fish," Lue said and Josandra nodded. "I brought an extra pairs of pants. Go put them on."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing now?" Josandra asked.

"You'll be able to move easier in pants."

"All I need to do is hike my skirt up a little and tie a knot," Josandra said.

"...why can't you just go change?"

"Because you haven't given me a valid reason to," Josandra frowned.

Lue rolled her eyes.

"Look, if you're going to follow me around, you have to listen to me. If I tell you to do something, just do it. I've been on my own longer than you have and I'm telling you it's easier to move around when you're wearing pants. If someone comes out here to get us and that flimsy skirt of yours catches on a rock, I'm not stopping to save you," Lue said.

Josandra blinked before gritting her teeth. Without a word, she whirled around and walked back towards the cottage. Lue watched her for a second before settling down to make some wooden fishing sticks. She slipped out her small knife.

That girl was hardheaded. And for no reason. As though she didn't beg Lue to tag along. Now she was trying to put up a pointless fight.

Ten minutes later, the poles were done and Josandra returned wearing black pants. Their outfits were identical. Wordlessly, Lue handed her a stick. The end was as sharp as an arrow. She kicked off her boots and socks; Josandra followed her moves.

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