16. Revelations

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Lue didn't show up at the fields the following noon. Josandra waited for her, but she never came. Now she wasn't sure what to eat since she didn't prepare anything.

She wandered into the kitchen. Granny was making goat stew, so she joined her. After eating, she took a nap and then worked again until four.

Her feet dragged as she entered the house when she was done with work. No one was home. Where was Lue?

She was avoiding her. It was because she read that scene yesterday. Josandra thought it'd be a funny thing to do, a little joke, but when things started to get explicit and Lue remained silent, Josandra realized how uncomfortable she was reading things like that in front of her. What was she thinking by doing that?

She just wanted to see how Lue would react. If she would get turned on and was interested in stuff like that. Since they've met, Josandra had never known Lue to entertain such things.

But when she couldn't go on any further, Lue asked her the strangest question with such a heated gaze that Josandra didn't know she could possess. It made Josandra realize that there was a side to Lue that she would never see, that deep down she was curious about.

She forced herself to laugh. Whoever Lue ended up with, would be one lucky person.

She didn't see her until it was late. Ten o' clock. Josandra had been in the room, waiting, when she heard the front door outside open and shut. She got out of bed and went to the kitchen. There Lue was, eating a snack.

"Where were you all day?" Josandra asked.

Lue didn't even turn around, "Out."

"Out where?"

"Just out."

"...are you going to sleep soon?"

"Yeah, you don't have to wait for me."

But Josandra did. Lue came in twenty minutes later dressed in her night clothes. Josandra wasn't sure if she should just turn off the lights and go to sleep, but then Lue spoke.

"I don't want to read that tonight," she said.

Josandra laughed awkwardly, "You've been avoiding me all this time because of that? I'm not going to force you to read it again, you clearly hated it...I'm sorry for doing it. It was joke."

Lue finally met her eyes but quickly looked away.

"There's other stuff we can read. If you don't want to sleep yet. There's a book I bought today while I went into town. A book of poems," Lue said.

"Read me a poem!" Josandra said.

Lue bit back a smile and got off the bed to retrieve the book. She returned and flipped to a page she had dog-eared. She started to read the poem; it was about nature—trees and rivers, blah, blah, blah.

"Not that. Don't read that. Read me a love poem," Josandra suggested.

"Why would I do that?" Lue raised an eyebrow.

"Please," Josandra pouted.

Lue hesitated, but then her fingers glided over the pages and she came to another poem that was also dog-eared.

"Autumn wind chases in / from all directions/ and a thousand chaste leaves/ give way. Scatter in me the seeds / of a thousand saplings / let grow a grassy heaven / On my brow: a sun/ This bliss—"

"That isn't a love poem," Josandra frowned.

"Yes it is," Lue said.

"It's not even autumn," Josandra continued, disappointed.

Blood SupermoonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz