21. Genesis

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Oh, the moon. It's always changing and so are my feelings...

The calm before the storm. Prince Bain sat in his study trying to read a letter, but his mind kept drifting to other matters. For the past few months, things have been quiet. Too quiet.

He rose from his desk and went over to his bookshelf, pulling back a large, thick book. The wall shifted to reveal a secret room where sunlight poured in. In the middle was a conversation pit. He went to a mirror that was on the side of the wall and pushed it. The wall caved in and he slid the mirror to the side to reveal his medicine cabinet. He slipped out a glass bottle. In the bottle was a filmy, peach-colored liquid. He rose it high in the air. Sun rays sparkled over the half-full bottle.

"Do I need to use you again?" he whispered.

"Your highness!" Peato called.

Quickly, Bain left the secret room and returned to his study. He bid Peato to enter and the royal guard did so with a few of his men. They bowed to him.

"Someone is requesting to see you," Peato said.

"You know my rule. No unsolicited guests," Bain glared.

"It's urgent. She travelled far to get here," Peato claimed.

"She?" Bain repeated.

All the women he knew where of royal upbringing or the wealthy elite. Regardless, they all lived here in Khalstone. He did not know of any women elsewhere. Annoyed that he had to think about this, he leaned back in his seat.

"Send her away," he flicked a brown hand.

"She refuses to leave."

"Then kill her. Was that not a thought for you or do I have to do the thinking around here?" Bain asked.

Peato lips thinned and he exhaled slowly. Bain wondered if his words angered him. He smiled sardonically, hoping they did. It wasn't like Peato could do anything about it.

"She's badly injured already and says that she knows something that you wish to," Peato explained.

A mind reader, huh? She knew what he wanted? Perhaps he should make an example out of her in front of his subordinates.

He gestured they bring her in and Peato turned, rushing out. Bain reached down and picked up his bow and arrow. With a handkerchief, he wiped it clean. With unreadable eyes, he watched as Peato returned with the woman and several other guards and maids.

The women limped passed all of them and fell to her knees, her palms smacking the floor. She was breathing hard with wide eyes and her black uniform was soggy with blood. Blood was also smeared over her cheeks. Bain wondered if the blood was hers or not. He played with the tight band on his bow.

"You're highness," she said.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"A bounty hunter," she said.

Bain paused, understanding suddenly where this was going. His eyes grew large as he took in her appearance more carefully. She was tall for a woman, about 5'8, and muscled. She was a trained hunter, though she seemed to be young. Whoever her foe may be, gave her a tough time.

"How old are you?" he asked.


"Figures. When you go on a mission, you're supposed to where a protective vest."

"I did, but my opponent...can slice through anything, even my gear. They meant to kill me, but I shifted my body at the last second that their sword didn't plunge into my heart," she explained.

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