13. The Plum Farm

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They travelled further west, pushing through much of the spring rain. It was cold and windy in a lot of the areas they rested at, so Josandra developed a little cold after her period was over. But on the 6th day, late in the afternoon, they made it to Winnie.

It was warmer out here, that as soon as they passed the Welcome to Winnie sign, Clay slipped off her black sweater to reveal a black tank top underneath. Sun rays shined down on her sculpted biceps and when she noticed Josandra staring, she chuckled.

"What?" she asked.

"You look badass," Josandra said.

They shared a laugh. Behind them, Lue huffed so Josandra quieted down.

After their horses were tied to posts, they wandered around the town. As other horses rushed past, sand picked up in the middle of the roads. Most of the shops were made from wood, the residential buildings and houses were painted white, red or brown and there many people around. Most of the older men gave them curious looks, but no one bothered them.

There was a saloon nearby them. Definitely not the type of thing Josandra should approach, but she did out of curiosity. Cicadas buzzed around her ear as she pushed back the swing door and entered. Eyes went straight to her and then away. It was mostly men, or some women with their men. On the stage, there was a lady singing and dancing. On the side, a man was playing the piano. Josandra nodded her head to the music and patted her thigh, settling down at the bar.

"Want a drink?" the bartender asked.

Josandra paused, "Yeah, give me a whiskey on the rocks."

It's the drink she read people order in books. She didn't want it to seem like she didn't know anything. The bartender nodded, not asking about her age, and went to the other side. He returned with her drink. She took a sip and gritted her teeth. Tears came to her eyes and her throat burned, but she said nothing.

"Thank you," she said hoarsely.

As she continued to watch the show, she spotted a young man standing outside a dressing room down the hall. He was peeking into a room with a fixed look on his face. Josandra could see his Adam's apple move in anticipation. A bead of sweat formed at his temple.

Her head was swimming. She took another nasty gulp of her drink and slid off her seat, stepping up to the man. She grabbed him by the shoulder and whirled him around.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked.

Because she had raised her voice, the women in the dressing room poked their heads out. When they spotted the man, they started screaming. At the commotion, the music stopped and they drew in a crowd. The bartender came to the center of the circle.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"This bitch won't let go of me," the peeping tom exclaimed.

"Bitch?" Josandra's eyes widened.

She struck him. A collective gasp erupted throughout the room, but she wasn't finished. She wasn't much of a fighter so she wasn't sure where she was getting this newfound courage from, but she grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him to the floor, decking him again.

"Ow! Ow! Get her off me," the young man yelled.

The bartender jerked her back, "What the hell do you think you're doing to him?"

"He was peeping into the women's dressing room!" Josandra said.

"He was!" one of the ladies shouted.

Coldly, the weirdo turned around to the group of ladies and leveled an icy glare to them. The room became quiet and the women lowered their gazes down to the floor.

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