30. Golden Hour

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Wet sand in shoes, every step away is heavy ...

Queen Anders didn't have time to talk to them that day, or so she claimed, but that didn't stop Lue. This was the end. When they returned to the palace, Josandra packed her things, but Lue told her not to leave and promised that she would talk to her mother and try to convince the committee that this was a terrible idea. Josandra just listened, didn't say a word, and barely looked her in the eye. It made Lue nervous.

Bright and early in the morning, Lue went to go and speak to her mother in the breakfast room. It was a few days later and she thought that with time, the Queen would be more reasonable to talk to. Zaria accompanied her. He was silent as they walked side-by-side. She could tell that this was the last thing on his mind. Jackson was the only thing that occupied his thoughts. Her mother sat, not touching her food as a servant read the newspaper aloud to her, but when she noticed them come, she picked up her glass of water.

"I'm not hearing you out," she said.

"Then the palace will hear us out. If not them, then the public," Lue said and the Queen rolled her eyes.

"Please, your highness," Zaria bowed. "We would appreciate it greatly."

The Queen offered a half-assed smile to him before frowning at Lue.

"Why is it that every time I see you, your always wearing pants?" the Queen asked.

"They're comfortable," Lue said.

"You have two minutes," she said.

"I cannot get married to Zaria," Lue stated.

"You told me that already," the Queen said.

"Well, I won't. I don't want to rule over this country either—"

"Rose, you're confusing me. If you never wanted to rule, why did you go to such extreme lengths to prove your father's murder?"

"Because it was the right thing to do. He was my father. I didn't do it so that we can have the throne back. I don't care about that. And why should I? Growing up as a child, I had to act and dress a certain way. Zaria had more power and freedom than I did because he was a man. It doesn't matter if I have the greatest title in the world, as a woman, under this palace, I will not be free and I don't want to go through that again," Lue said.

"If you don't want to rule, the only other option you have is to still take the title and let Zaria rule. Provide an heir and then you can stay in the shadows, but you cannot get divorced. You are royalty, he is not," the Queen stated.

"No," Lue said.

The Queen opened her mouth to speak before turning to the servant and dismissing her. The servant picked up her tray and exited the room. The Queen rose and faced Lue.

"You must do as we say. It is still unheard of for a man with his status to be crowned king, no matter how close he is to the palace, but there is no one else who is more fit to rule than you or him."

"Thank you, your highness," Zaria nodded.

Lue licked her lips, anxious.

"Why the refusal? Are you two not in love?" the Queen asked and Lue looked down at her fingers.

"We're not and I cannot marry Lue," Zaria said.

"What?" the Queen said.

"Your highness, I appreciate your keen eye in considering me, but I do not want to rule this country. I've seen what that type of role does to people firsthand and I don't want to change," Zaria said.

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