22. Liberation

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Josandra opened the wooden window shutters and popped her face out. Sunlight poured in as she placed her cheek in her hand with a smile on her face.

Her heart couldn't stop singing, melodies of elation. Lue had kissed her. They did a little more than kiss. Her whole being was thrumming with joy and excitement. Though most of the time Lue was quite reserved and subdued, Josandra had no idea that she could be this straightforward with her feelings and desires. They didn't have to wait any longer.

As she kept replaying the moment in her head, she didn't hear her name being called from outside until Jackson was standing right next to her.

"Josandra, didn't you hear me calling you?" he asked.

"No, sorry. What are you still doing around here?" she asked.

He dropped the bags he was carrying and wiped the sweat from his forehead, catching his breath first.

"I'm helping Zaria pack. He's leaving to Khalstone," Jackson said.

"Does he normally pack this much?" she asked.

"No, but I think he'll be there for a month or so. His father called for him."

A few men jogged by them as Jackson stretched, picking up the bags again. It was breakfast time, but Lue wasn't in sight.

"Give me a second. I'm coming with you,"  Josandra said, closing the shutters.

Half an hour later, they made it to Zaria's home. Lue and him were on the second floor on the balcony, drinking coffee while having a discussion. Jackson greeted them loudly, waving his arms. Their heads turned to the two of them. When Lue spotted Josandra, her eyes lit up and butterflies flowed through Josandra. She's only dreamed of Lue looking at her in this way, but now it was real. Jackson and Josandra joined the other two upstairs.

"There was some matters I needed to discuss with Zaria before he left for his trip. He's leaving this morning," Lue explained to her.

"I'll be back in a month," Zaria started, "In the meantime, Jackson will be here."

"Why?" Lue asked.

Zaria picked up a saucer and flung it at Jackson, who smoothly caught it.

"I need more training," Jackson said as Zaria proudly rubbed his head.

"We should go get breakfast," Lue said to Josandra. "Do you have the written instructions on how to find it?"

"Yes," Zaria said, waving a piece of paper.

"Okay, good luck," Lue said.

It was scalding hot in the hall, so they ate in the back yard, on the floor of the back porch. The place faced the woods; the large oak trees were bunched together with plentiful green leaves. They shared the red snapper fish, scrambled eggs, and rice, eating in comfortable silence for several minutes.

"What is it?" Josandra asked.

"What?" Lue asked.

"Is it the poison you told me about?"

Lue paused, "Yes. It's a deadly, flavorless liquid. Highly flammable, too. His father called for him so now's the perfect time. There are some that suspect him of knowing where I am so he whenever he went to Khalstone, he never stayed long. This time though, he'll try to stay longer to make it seem like he's on vacation."

"Do you think it was King Bain that killed King Anders?" Josandra asked.

"Probably," Lue said.

"What happens if he finds it?"

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