25. They Meet Again

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It was irresponsible, but Lue didn't have any weapon on her. As they got dressed, she kept looking out the window for any other sign as to what was going on, but she couldn't see well through the smoke. She got dressed before Josandra was done so she started looking around the room for anything she could use to defend them. She yanked the drawers from the dresser open and tossed them to the floor. She opened the closet, ransacking through the sheets and clothes, but she couldn't find anything.

"What's going on?" Josandra asked, done dressing.

"I don't know," Lue said.

"Do you think it's a raid?"

"Raids rarely happen around here," Lue said. "We need to leave—"

"With Buffalo? He's tied in the clearing...that's about a mile away from the dorms. Do you think anyone will notice us if we go to him?" Josandra asked.

"Maybe," Lue said. "But we have no other choice since our stuff is with him. We just got to be quick. Now, listen to me. Once we leave this room, I want you to stay near me, always, no matter what. We're not getting involved in whatever is going on up there."

"But what about..." Josandra started.

Lue knew what she was thinking about. What about the men they knew like Jackson? Neither of them should worry about the men right now. This was what they have been training for. Those soldiers should succeed at defending this site or getting away. Zaria had only told her to train them, she wasn't the captain around here and wasn't about to risk being found out by taking up arms with the group.

She grabbed Josandra's hand and left the room. Stealthily, she looked around the beach for any sight of anyone, but when she saw that the beach was empty, she pulled Josandra to run with her. They ran across the white sand in a hurry. The sounds of shooting and fighting rang out, louder in her ears now that they were outside.

They made it to the clearing with no trouble. Lue worked on untying Buffalo as Josandra checked her rifle for bullets.

"Lue...what about the girls in our halls? We can't just leave them in that mess," Josandra said.

"Shit," Lue said.

She wasn't interested in figuring out who the soldiers were fighting near the halls, but Josandra was right. They couldn't just leave the nurses when they weren't trained to fight and she wasn't sure if anyone had evacuated them from the area yet.

"We have to get them out of there," Josandra urged.

Lue fished through her bag and pulled out two black scarves, tossing one to Josandra. She tied it around her face so that the bottom half was hidden. Josandra did the same then they mounted Buffalo and dashed off towards the madness.

The smoke was even worse in the heart of Cedar that Buffalo hesitated to move on, but Lue forced him to trample on whoever was in the way.

When they neared the halls, Lue froze in horror when she realized the Cedar soldiers were fighting the palace's army. Her fingers shook with the realization that something must've happened to Zaria.

She didn't have time to think her thoughts through. Josandra slid off the horse and raced towards the dorm. There were a few men that were trying to come after her, but Lue warded them off and followed behind her, shutting the door after them.

"Who are you?" Jackson appeared, entering the living room.

Lue and Josandra pulled down their scarves before pulling it back up.

"What are you doing here? Where is Jean and May?" Lue stalked over to him.

"We had the guys evacuate them from this area," Upton said, coming down the stairs.

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