2. The Raid

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She came back the next day. Lately, it seemed with her presence the mist wouldn't let up. At least it wasn't raining, but the soil was soft and wet under Josandra's combat boots.

It was late in the afternoon when the mysterious woman came, this time without her horse. Josandra was trying to get through Angel, but at seeing her come, she slammed the book shut and tossed it over her shoulder.

When the woman noticed that Josandra was alone, she stepped up cautiously to her shop. She wasn't holding onto her ribs this time and her stance was solid. Her skin looked warmer and clearer too.

"Hello," Josandra rose, and the woman nodded. "You seem to be in better shape today."

The woman froze before scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. She ignored Josandra's comment and pointed to the meat buns.

"How much for one?" she asked.

Josandra wondered if she had money on her this time.

"Five bucks," she said.

The girl seemed surprised that it cost that much so Josandra smiled.

"They used to be a buck 75, but with the way things are nowadays it's impossible to keep them at that price," she explained.

The woman nodded and Josandra rose and opened the mini oven.

"I'll give you one," she said.

"Thank you," the woman said.

She fished in her pocket and pulled out that same necklace. She set it on the table and avoided Josandra's eyes.

"It's okay. It's on the house," Josandra said.

The woman hesitated so Josandra picked up her hand. Shocked, the woman tried to pull away, but Josandra's grip was firm. She picked up the necklace and placed it inside of the woman's palm, noting how soft her fingers were. Her hands didn't belong to someone who slept in the woods. Quickly, the girl pulled away and backed up, eyeing her. Josandra put her hands up, biting back a smile.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to grab you so suddenly. I just really wanted you to take it back. And you can stop offering it to me," Josandra said.

The woman said nothing. She just continued to glare at Josandra with those hard-set eyes of hers. Finally, she grabbed the meat bun and went over to the one table and chair that stood outside of the store, sitting down. She took the plastic fork and knife and started to cut into it. Josandra picked up her book and pretended not to watch her, resting her cheek in her hand.

She ate hungrily; the bun was gone within seconds. Josandra was sure she was going to ask for another, but she didn't. She cleaned up her mess and without a word to Josandra, started to leave. Josandra spoke again and the woman paused.

"I mean it. You can stop offering that thing to me, just...whenever you need something, come down to this store and ask, okay?" Josandra said.

When she was done talking, the woman continued walking down the street.

Things go on that way for a week. The mysterious woman would come and ask for one meat bun. She'd sit at the table and eat it then leave a minute later. She never offered the necklace again, never looked Josandra's way. She just sat and stared at nothing while she ate. Once Josandra mentioned that the meat filling inside was chicken. Another time she asked the girl if she wanted water, but the girl declined. It was rare that they said much to each other.

And yet first thing in the morning, when Josandra woke up in her bed, she wondered if the girl would pass by her shop that day.

One day, after Josandra handed her another meat bun, the girl didn't move away from her.

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