59- Get To Know

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~Daysia POV~

I silently ate my pickles while watching Neria devour her jar of PeanutButter. She double looked at me then began blushing. "You want some?" She asked, making me gasp and lean closer to her. "You sharing your favorite snack surprises me, princess," I laughed then put the spoon in my mouth. 

"Why would it be surprising to share this with you?" She asked then tilted her head to the side. 

Why was that so adorable? My heart! Deja awned. 

"May I have a kiss?" She asked, causing me to almost choke on the thick treat. "You don't have to ask for those, sweetheart," I said, making her cutely tilt her head again. "Right. I'm still processing and learning everything about you two from Ayana and Reese. She is really struggling to juggle two other different personalities. Like those disorders," she rambled. 

I leaned in and pecked her lips, causing her to pause all of her movements. "How do you feel, Neria?" I asked her while trying to get comfortable on the couch. "Stressed. I am pregnant and Lucifer will be coming for me. I'm really scared, Daysia," she whispered.

I tilted her head up and rubbed her eyebrow. "Me and Klene will protect you, princess. I promise," I assured. "I know, but we're starting a family. I don't want you, Klene, or our kids to be in danger. I need to think of something that will keep you all safe while I fight him. I pray that he will at least wait until I have our baby," she whispered then let out a yawn. 

"Baby, I don't want you to fight him alone. Klene is your protector," I rushed while grabbing her shoulders. She let out a hum while closing her eyes. "I'm a little tired, my love," she mumbled then moved from me. 

She laid her head on my lap and kissed my stomach. I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through her hair. "She's going to be sleep for the rest of the day," Akuchi said while closing her journal. 

"Why?" I asked, making her cross her legs and turn to me. 

"She will be learning more about Reese, Ayana, and everyone that she has had contact with. She also needs to learn about herself, her abilities, and this cruel world," she sigh. "I still haven't told her everything. I didn't expect Reese to be pregnant before she arrived," she mumbled then looked me in my eyes. 

"What? We got engaged and had an entire private island to ourselves," I mumbled while rubbing Neria's side. 

She let out a mumble while turning to the other side. "You have to have faith in her, Daysia," she suddenly said while standing up. "I'm scared. I don't want to lose her," I whispered.

"Well, you won't lose her. Lucifer doesn't want to kill her," she said like it was going to make the whole situation better. "The worse he could do is kidnap her, torture her until she does what he wants since her abilities cannot be taken or destroyed," she said then opened her journal again. 

I gulped and looked down at Neria as she slept on my lap. "Klene is her protector, so wherever Neria is, she can pinpoint her exact location. Same with you," she said while continuing to read her book. 

"Why can't we just go get Lucifer and end it for all?" I asked. "He is being protected," she said, making me frown and look at my hands. 

"How if-" I said while looking up at her, only to see her already staring at me. "Shadow is going to betray us?" I asked. "I wouldn't say betray. I will not speak so much about it because it can alter the outcome of what's to come," she replied. "And you have to let her figure things out on her own. She has to learn how to become the angel that will save everyone, just how Klene had to learn. Now she is balancing the world without wasting all of her energy," she explained. 

What is our purpose of being here? Our fiancés are doing so much to protect us and everyone else while we just sit here and look pretty. Deja mumbled. 

Akuchi let out a laugh while standing up. "I knew Deja would feel that way. But they say that demons are candidly ruthless and has 'alexithymia'," she snickered. "You play a huge role within their lives, child. There is a reason why you were Reese's safe haven," she coded then sent me a wink. 

I closed my mouth just as Klene came in from the garage. "I do not care. Just get more guards to watch over my wives!" She grunt then hung up and crushed her phone in her hand. "Tempered child," Akuchi laughed then walked to the kitchen. 

"Hey, baby," she greeted me while coming over and gave me a kiss. She saw Neria sleeping, making her sigh and kneel down. "How long has she been asleep?" She asked then gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Not too long, but Akuchi said that she will be asleep for the rest of the day," I informed her. She nodded her head and rubbed our stomachs at the same time. 

When she stood up, she carefully grabbed our fiancé. "Let's rest in our room, Ducky," she whispered while staring at the sleeping beauty in her arms. 

We went upstairs and I immediately got in bed. "I'm going to take a quick shower while you find a movie for us to watch," she winked while laying Neria down. 

She let out a groan and shifted closer to me. She felt a little hot, so I took the blankets off of her and scoot away from her. "You're burning up again, baby," I whispered then got out of the bed.

She quickly grabbed my wrist and opened her eyes. "Get back in bed, please," she whispered. "I need to get something to cool you off, love," I said while getting back in bed. "Please stay?" She begged and I immediately frowned and wrapped my arms around her waist. 

I pulled her as close as I could then pecked her lips. "You're hot, Neria," I worriedly mumbled then covered her ears. "Akuchi?" I called until she made it in our room. "I was just about to nap on your comfortable couch," she smiled then looked at Neria sleeping in my arms. 

"She's really having a spiritual battle with herself," she said then came to my side and began talking really fast again. 

"What's going on?" Klene asked while coming back into our room with a towel wrapped around her body. "She's getting hot again," I told her just as I felt her jolt in my arms. 

Klene got in bed and immediately wrapped her arms around Neria. I started humming one of Reese's favorite songs while rubbing her stomach. 

Why do she have to go through this? Deja asked.

I don't know! I can't make it stop and it's killing me. I replied.  

"She should be fine for the rest of the day," Akuchi mumbled as Neria turned and faced Klene. "Kiwi," I whispered with tears in my eyes. "I know, Ducky," she mumbled.

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