11- Important Meet

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~Klene POV~

My girlfriends are about to meet my parents. No biggie. They will accept them and see how perfect they are for me.

Nigga, you are freaking out. Ryan laughed.

Shut the fuck up. So much can go wrong. I snapped. 

"Babe, you ready?" I hear Daysia asked as I was straightening my hair. I looked towards her, seeing her stare at me with her mouth open. "Almost," I smiled then turned back to the mirror and got the last section of my hair. 

"What?" I hear Reese try to whisper, but she soon let out a hum. Her heels clicking against the floor made me slowly turn around and see her eyeing me down. "You look amazing, mama," she smiled then bit her bottom lip. 

I started blushing while turning back to the mirror. "Thank you, baby," I hummed then bent over while running my fingers through my hair. I flipped my head back and adjusted my hair so that it looks the way I wanted it to. 

"Perfect," I hummed then turned around. "How do it look?" I asked Reese, seeing her hold her mouth open then closed it to gulp. "Perfect- I mean great! You look great," she stumbled then rushed out the bathroom.

I folded my arms while letting out a soft laugh. "You look stunning, Klene," Daysia complimented then sent me a wink. I started blushing some more before rushing to finish getting dressed. I chose a pretty light gray dress to wear before putting on some red bottom heels. 

When I went downstairs, I saw Daysia and Reese talking to each other looking stunning as ever. For some reason, they both chose to wear my favorite color, but it was different shades and different styles. "You two make red look so good," I complimented, making them both smile.

I already know they fine ass will try us tonight. Look at them! Ryan groaned.

"Ready to go, ladies?" I asked. "Yeah," Reese hummed while grabbing her purse. I let out a nervous sigh before guiding them to the coat closet. Daysia and Reese shared a look before looking back to me. "I had the same look when I first came to earth," I snickered.

Reese grabbed the door then motioned for me to go first. I grabbed Daysia's hand then went inside, seeing the familiar entrance area. "Afternoon, Ms. Browne," the guard receptionist greeted. "Afternoon," I mumbled then looked back to see my babies looking around. 

"This is basically a lobby. All we have to do is go through this door and we'll be at my home," I informed them then walked over to the double doors. 

Once we went through the doors, we were immediately back at the mansion I grew up in. "Mom?" I called, walking towards the living room. "Hey- oh!" She gasped once she saw the beautiful women, I brought with me. 

She stood up and clasped her hands together. "You were right, sweet pea. They are beautiful," she smiled then walked around me. "Mom, this is Reese, and this is Daysia," I introduced. Reese held her hand out, allowing my mom to quickly shake her hand.

"I'm Amari and- hold on. Miron!" She suddenly shouted, scaring the shit out of my women. "Mom," I sigh, getting behind them then wrapped my arms around their waist. "Why are you shouting, Mar?" Dad deeply groaned. 

I smiled and walked up to him. "What's up, kid?" He chuckled then wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Nothing. Let me introduce you to my future wives," I smiled, pulling him to my women. 

After introducing him to them, he was proud to know that I had two female mates. "Nice to meet you both. The rest of the family are out back," he said while looking towards me. I frowned and folded my arms. "I didn't know they were here," I mumbled.

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