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~Reese POV~

"Ducky?" I called, watching Klene catch her and looked at me with panic in her eyes. I dropped the crown and stood up. "Daysia?" I called, rushing to her and shook her shoulders. "Come on, baby," I rushed, moving her chair back so I can pick her up. 

"Klene, why isn't she waking up?" I frowned, then began tapping her cheek. I looked at the crown and took it off of her head. "Daysia, baby? Wake up," I choked, tapping her face faster. 

She wouldn't respond to me, making me let out a loud cry. "What did you do to her?" Klene shouted, making me look up and see her turn to Ryan. "Daysia," I cried, while feeling over her face. 

What did they do to her? Kill them, Reese. Why won't she wake up? Ayanna rambled. 

I felt my body become terribly hot. So hot that my tears evaporated off of my face. I felt my teeth grind in anger and sadness. 

Kill them, Reese. I can't contact Deja nor Daysia. Ayanna cried, making me cover my face and shake my head. 

'Ducky?' I called, but I didn't feel her. 

I stood up and turned towards Ryan. Even though he was in a dress, he was about to really kill his biological parents. "I'm giving you three seconds to bring our wife back. Now!" He shout, scaring everyone at the table. 

"One," he counted, but I leaped over the table and grabbed them both. "What did you do?" I screamed before they both were flung back to the wall. I took my heels off and went to kill them with my bare hands, but I was grabbed. 

"Get off of me! They did something to her!" I screamed, digging my nails into whoever was holding me. "I'll kill you!" I screamed to the top of my lungs. 

More of these buffy people started to hold me down, making me thrash and try to get to the royals. "Get her!" I screeched then felt my eyes roll completely back. 

~Ayanna POV~

"Wait, we can-" the queen began to explain, but they weren't talking to Reese no more. "Enough!" I shout, feeling my body engulf in flames. The buffy bodyguards flew back from me, breaking the table and creating holes in the wall. 

"Fix. My. Wife." I demanded while approaching them. "Lucifer made that crown. We di-didn't know that he-" he stumbled. "Lucifer caused this?" Ryan asked, making me glance back and see him clenching his jaw. 

He cleared his throat and checked Daysia's pulse. "Shadow?" He called and the lights began flickering. I looked around and saw him standing at the entrance to the kitchen, but the kitchen lights were off. 

"He's yours," Ryan grunted, making him smile and bow his head. He turned to me and bowed his head also. "You can see him, Reese?" Ryan asked, earning a slow head nod. 

I turned back to the royals then took a deep breath. "I was going to kill you with no mercy and for that I guess I will apologize," I sigh then went back to Daysia. Me and Ryan catered to our wife, trying to wake her up. 

"Daysia," I whispered, fixing her hair then her dress. "Wake up, please," Ryan begged. I got up and grabbed a glass of water. I splashed it on her, making Daysia gasp and almost fall out the chair. 

"Ducky!" I gasped as Ryan picked her up and pulled her into the tightest hug. I wrapped my arms around her from behind and began crying. "What happened?" She muffled in Ryan's chest. "And why is Ryan wearing a dress?" She giggled then turned around. 

She saw the tears in my eyes, making me quickly wipe them and smile at her. "Reese, what's wrong?" She frowned then looked around. "What the fuck happened?" She mumbled, but all I could do was pull her into a hug and kiss her all over her face. 

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