1- Another Day

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~Klene POV~

"Mom, I can't have two soulmates! How am I going to let two bitches run me dry?" I asked and I immediately felt her hand make contact with my cheek. My jaw was soon grabbed after the stinging punishment before I focused on mom's eyes. "Don't you ever disrespect the women that will be there for you when you're at your lowest. Those two women will be everything and more for you. Damnit, Klene!" She snapped then let my jaw go.

I looked at the ground and stared at her freshly done toes. "I'm sorry, momma. I just don't understand how they will get along to be with me. What if they make me choose between the two of them?" I rambled.

Mom laughed at me then tapped the top of my head. "Don't worry, sweet pea. Your soul mates may not be born yet, and they were chosen for you for a reason," she cooed.

This woman bipolar as hell! Ryan chuckled.

You're bipolar. I replied, causing him to stop chuckling.

Suck my dick, nigga. He tried to snap back.

Your dick is basically my dick, nigga. I retorted. 

He only let out a huff before grumbling to himself which I can clearly hear since he is me. "Did you finish your college work?" She asked, earning a huff. "Mom, I'm seven and in college. Why do I have to do all of this stupid stuff?" I asked, watching her squint her eyes. 

"One, because I told you to and two, because I didn't whoop your ass for cursing. Let's not forget that I told you to do so. You aged pretty fast, but it will start to slow down once you hit puberty. Which is happening right now since you've seen your soul mates!" She gasped as she just realizes that I've seen my forever halves- or two/thirds- or two halves of my half if that makes since.

"Mir! Our baby sees her soulmates!" She joyously shouts.

"K?" Locus called while holding a cup of piping hot coffee. "Hey," I smiled, grabbing it from him then took a sip. 

I almost spat it out, tasting how strong it is. "What? I have class in like twenty minutes," he chuckled then handed me a different cup. "Damn, Lo!" I laughed, remembering those days when I was getting my medical degrees. 

"You should have gone to college with me instead of taking those breaks," I laughed. "Excuse me for wanting to be a kid. School sucked and it still do. Now if you excuse-" he rambled, but the two women that's the reason why I am teaching here walked in. 

"Bitch, I know you hear me," Lo snapped, earning looks from the both of us. "I will snap your neck... again," I said through my teeth. "And I will tell your mother," he sigh while glancing to where I was staring before I snapped at him.

He slowly turned his head back to me with that evil ass smile. "Excuse me!" He shouted then skipped over to the two beautiful ladies. 

Why are we friends with that idiot? Ryan grunted.

Honestly, I do not know. I replied.

"I'm friends with your professor, but she's being an ass. Let's hang out some time," he asked them, and I immediately clenched my fists together, feeling the hot liquid spill all over my hands.

I let out a sigh and cleaned it up since my skin is used to taking way more heat. "Are you okay?" I hear along with quick footsteps. I quickly put on my acting skills and pretended that my hand was injured once I saw Daysia walking towards me. 

"Jesus," Daysia mumbled after seeing the steam on my hand. "It's fine," I mumbled, sending a quick glare to Lo. "You sure?" Reese asked from her seat. 

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