49- All Yours

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~Daysia POV~

I couldn't stop looking at it. It wasn't too big and it wasn't too small. I saw Deja engraved on the side and immediately pouted my lips and nudged Reese. "Yeah, babe?" She whispered with a wide smile. "Look at the ring, baby," I whispered while grabbing her hand.

She looked down at it and smiled until she saw Ayana's name engraved on it. 'We're fucking her up tonight, right?' She asked me, earning a look. She should already know the answer to that question!

She bit her lip and laced her hand with mine. "Excuse me for a minute. I'll go see why it's taking them so long for our desserts to arrive," Klene said while standing up. She left and our friends quickly got my attention trying to see the ring.

I held my hand out, allowing them to take pictures and hype me up. I smiled and turned my head to Reese, seeing her already staring at me. She leaned over, making me lean in and move some of my straightened hair behind my ear.

"Come to the ladies' room with me," she whispered while rubbing my thigh with her thumb. "Excuse me," she voiced out loud while moving back from me. When she stood up, she didn't let my hand go so I stood up and followed her to the restroom.

As soon as we walked in, she checked to make sure no one was present before wrapping her arms around my neck. "Are you happy, Ducky?" She asked, causing me to frown and wrap my arms around her waist. "Of course! I have the two most beautiful women in my life, and I know that we're forever. Our love will never fade, Reesee Cup," I assured while leaning in.

"I am too. My life feels complete with you and Klene," she whispered then pressed her lips softly against mine. The door opening caused us to pull away and see Klene walking in. "Lo told me that you two came here so I wanted to check up on you both," she said, making me smile and motion her over.

I slid my hand up to her cheek before pressing my lips against hers. "Is that why you had us getting all pretty and dolled up?" I asked, watching her smile widened before she nodded her head. "I wanted the best for my girls," she giggled.

It's so rare to hear her giggle now, but when she does, I always find it so adorable. "Kiwi, you know we have to show our appreciation and gratification to you when we make it to the island," Reese lowly whispered while rubbing on Klene's stomach.

She suddenly lifted Klene and made her wrap her legs around her waist. "We're going to make love tonight and I plan on taking my time with your body. Don't you agree, Ducky?" She asked, catching Kiwi gulp and look at me. "Absolutely. I would like to give her a tease of what's to come," I hummed.

Reese put her down as I stepped closer to her. "So, you two are just going to double team me?" She asked while folding her arms. "You love when we team up on you," I flirt then licked her neck before sucking on it.

I saw Reese starting to do the same, causing Klene to gasp and try to step back, but I held my arm around her waist and sucked a little harder on her neck. "I suggest you end this dinner a little early, baby. I'm hungry for something else," Reese whispered while I continue to suck on the same area on her neck. "O-okay," she stumbled, allowing us to pull away.

She stared at us then turned to the mirror. "Shit," she breathed while trying to use her hair to cover the new bruises on her neck. "Come on, cookie," I smirked while holding my hand out. Reese grabbed my hand and walked out of the restroom like the badass she is.

We sat down and saw desserts sitting right in front of us. "Ou, this looks good," I hummed then dug my spoon into the round cake, only for cream to pour out of it. I took a bite and let out a sigh. "Try this, babe," I muffled while grabbing a spoonful and fed it to Reese.

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