54- Surprise

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~Reese POV~

I let out a sigh while turning towards Kali, Samon, Ali, and Kiya. "Yes, I'm pregnant," I answered while pulling my hair up. "I'm going to be an aunt?" Kali asked with a soft smile. "Can I feel?" Kiya asked.

"Holy shit. You really are the first to get pregnant," Ali chuckled. "Well," Daysia trailed off.

Lo tapped my shoulder and held up a glass of water. "You okay?" He asked, holding a pill in his hand. "Yeah, my head hurts," I mumbled, taking the pill. "You better sit down. I don't need my niece or nephew stressing in there," he chuckled while glancing down at my stomach.

I waved him off then sat next to my women and got comfortable. "How about I talk to them while you two get a nap in?" Klene suggested, making me smile and slide down so I can lay down.

I don't know how long me and Daysia slept, but when I woke up, Klene was still talking with everyone. I stretched my body and watched Daysia sleep. She looked so adorable as she hugged Klene's leg.

"Ducky," I whispered, sliding my hand up to her face and rubbed her eyebrow. She only let out a groan and grabbed my hand. She kissed my knuckles then placed my hand on her stomach. "Let me sleep some more, Reesee Cup," she mumbled under her breath.

I blushed and rubbed her stomach. "You want a snack?" I asked, causing her to open her eyes slowly then lick her lips at me. "If you're talking about yourself then yes," she answered while stretching her limbs.

"Daysia," I quickly mumbled while rolling my eyes. She slid her hand up to my throat and gave me her sexy smile. "Ducky, company is still here," Klene reminded her.

She removed her hand then cleared her throat while I pulled the blanket over my head. I laid my head on Klene's thigh again and went back to rubbing Daysia's stomach. "Kiwi, tell your wife to stop touching on me," Daysia whined.

I yanked the blanket off of my head before glaring at her. "I always rub your stomach," I huffed.

Klene let out a snicker while continuing to rub my back. "But I'm horny, Reese," she whispered through her teeth. I had to cover my face so she couldn't see me laughing. "Klene," Daysia huffed then sat up.

"Yo?" Samon said, causing all of us to look at him and see him staring at his sister. "D, you baking too?" He asked while standing up.

He walked over to us, causing me to glance at Daysia to see her covering her belly. "Nah, I saw that. I'm telling mama!" He said while rubbing poking her stomach. I smacked his hand away and covered her stomach. "Don't poke her!" I laughed while he stared at Daysia for her to do something.

"What you want me to do, fishy? You came over here poking on my stomach," she laughed. "So, both of y'all pregnant?" Kali asked with wide eyes.

I nodded my head and covered us both up. "Let me up, baby," Klene mumbled, causing me to sigh and tilt my head up at her. "What do I get if I move?" I asked, causing her to snap her head down at me and smile. "Anything you want, now let me up, mama," she answered.

The way she smiled at me and slowly licked her lips had me wanting to go up to our room. I got up and puckered my lips. "You just wanted a kiss?" She asked, wrapping her arms around my neck. "No, I want more," I whispered then quickly pecked her lips.

She sucked her teeth before heading upstairs. "Come on, Reese," Daysia quickly said, causing me to turn around and see her sitting up while holding the blanket up for me.

I got next to her and leaned against her. "You smell so good," I mumbled, feeling her arm tighten around me. I rubbed her thigh and took a deep breath. Her natural scent is so damn addicting that I become a complete feen to have her closer.

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