26- ConGRADulations

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~Klene POV~

Should we kiss them right after? Or as soon as they get on stage? Ryan eagerly asked. 

No, that's too soon. I replied. 

Who gives a fuck! Nigga, this is our girls we're talking about. I've been waiting the longest for us to show them off. They thought they were spoiled then, just wait until we go public. Ryan rambled as I straightened my hair. 

Calm down, Ryan. Everything will go to plan. I laughed. 

Calm down? Calm down!? They sneaky asses woke up before us and decided to get dressed at their friend house so we won't see what they're going to wear! He shout, making me sigh and look in the mirror. 

"Ryan, they just want to surprise us. Now, where is my cap at?" I mumbled, going through all the caps I've kept from each profession. I found it and neatly placed it on my head. 

Hurry up. Ryan rushed. 

I let out a low groan while going downstairs. I decided to take the Audi, but I'm going to have someone to pick them up in the Rolls Royce. I got in my car and drove to the college. "I'm getting a little nervous for some reason," I said to myself while tapping on the wheel. I'm so proud of them and I'm going to show them how proud I am. 

Don't forget that you're allowing them to fuck you with a strap. Ryan taunted. 

I know I'm going to love it, but what if they ask to peg you? I asked, immediately earning a laugh from him. 

If they can manage to seduce me, tie me up, and threaten me at gun point then I'll do it. He laughed. 

You like all that shit, Ryan.

He didn't reply to me, confirming my statement. I finally made it to the college, so I got out and straightened my dress. I went to my office and grabbed my robe that I left. "Y'know, you never fucked me on this desk," I hear Reese say from behind me. 

I quickly turned around and saw her leaning against the wall. "Reesee Cup? Wow, you look amazing," I smiled, walking up to her and pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you, baby. I'm proud of you and Daysia," I whispered then leaned in to kiss her. 

"Save that kiss for later, Kiwi. Trust me," she giggled then lifted my hand up to her lips. "Where is Daysia?" I asked, looking out the door. "She's trying to look perfect when she already does," she laughed while rolling her eyes. 

"You are too," I flirt with a smile. She immediately began blushing. "Will we see you right after graduation or do you have something up your sleeve?" She asked, earning a soft laugh. "You know me, cookie. I always have something up my sleeve, so Locus will send someone to pick you both up. You'll know when it's for you," I winked. 

Reese bit her bottom lip then nodded her head. "Very well, fancy pants. We will see you after graduation," she winked then left. I didn't want to let her hand go so I held it until she was out of reach. "I love you!" I shouted. 

"I love you too, Kiwi!" She giggled. 

I bit my lip and smiled to myself before fixing my robe on me then head out to the building. Other professors turned towards me and immediately greeted me. "Afternoon, Dr. Browne," one of the professors within the science department winked. 

I only waved to him, knowing that Reese and Daysia will fuck me up if they find out half these instructors wants to taste some part of me. "Everyone ready?" Someone from the front asked as I got in my spot to walk down the aisle. 

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