57- Deeper Sickness

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~Klene POV~

"What you looking at?" Daysia playfully mumbled while we were in the middle of having a staring contest. She blew on my face, causing me to blink then shove her shoulder. "You cheated!" I laughed while leaning on my propped arm. 

She smiled at me as I rub her stomach. "I don't know what you're talking about, Kiwi," she giggled then lifted her hand and moved some of my curls out of my face. "You're really beautiful, Klene," she whispered then trailed the pad of her thumb all over my facial features. 

"Me? Look at you," I whispered with a sigh. I ran my fingers across her eyebrows and traced every flawless curve and line of her face. 

Knocking at the door made her groan and tilt her head back. "Is that Akuchi?" Reese shouted from the third floor. "Be careful, Reesee Cup," Daysia laughed as one of the guards open the door. 

It was Kali and Ali. "It's not Akuchi, baby. It's Kali and Ali," I told her just as I heard her waddling down the stairs. "Baby, you look exhausted," Daysia pointed out, making me walk from the door and to the living room. 

"Reese?" I worriedly called and made her sit down on the couch. She looked a little pale and she seemed to be abnormally hot. "You're burning up," I whispered then placed my hand on her stomach. 

Our baby is perfectly healthy, but there is something going on with her. "I don't know why. Ever since I started working, I've been feeling a little ill," she mumbled. 

Klene? Ryan called. 

What's wrong with our fiancé, Ryan? I'm feeling a new presence from her. I quickly noted to him. 

"You okay, Reese?" Kali asked, placing the back of her hand on her forehead. "Jesus!" She exclaimed once she felt how hot she was. 

She rushed to the kitchen while shouting about going to a doctor. "Reese, what's going on?" I asked her, only for her to hum and lean on Daysia. "I'm really hot, baby," she groaned while trying to get out of her shirt. 

Daysia quickly laid her down and held her hand. "Baby, you're burning up. Will she be okay, Klene?" She quickly asked and I can see that she's already beginning to panic for our fiancé. "Hey, she will be alright, princess. Let's cool her off," I mumbled while scanning her from head to toe. 

It looks like a simple fever, but there is something else going on. I feel it... "Reese? Baby?" I called, only for her to groan and turn on her side. "Here, Reese," Kali said while placing a cold towel on her head. 

"Oh, this is serious. Do I need to call the ambulance?" Ali asked. 

"Yes!" Replied Kali. 

"No." I replied at the same time.

I shook my head and lifted my hand to her cheek. "Where's Akuchi?" She mumbled then began taking off her bottoms. "What do you mean no? She needs a doctor," Kali said all in one breath. "I'm a certified doctor and OBGYN," I mumbled to her as Ryan began to get frustrated of her talking. 

Daysia came back with gel filled ice packs. "These should help, right?" She rushed while placing them on her hot body. "Take a deep breath, Daysia. I don't need you passing out on me," I softly voiced while sitting her down on the couch. "She's burning up, Klene. Why is she like this?" She asked with tears in her eyes. 

A small knock at the door made me frown, but I silently watched Reese and the way she began to sweat. When Reese began to speak in Igbo, that immediately raised red flags to me and Daysia. Daysia just decided to throw the fact that she is also pregnant out the window by pulling Reese into her arms and trying to get her attention. 

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