The next day Harry and I went to Remus for the dementor lessons, "Now are you two sure you want to do this ? This is magic way beyond your level Harry, Britney I assume you already know the spell in which I want to teach you ?" I nodded my head, "Expecto patronum right ?" "Yes, have you ever heard of it Harry ?" Harry shook his head no, "Well a patronus charm work kind of like a shield for a wizard who can conjure one, the dementor feeds on it rather than him. Now to conjure a patronus you need a memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory, can you do that ?" We nodded our heads, "Good. Now close your eyes." We complied, "Think of a memory, allow it to fill you both up." I thought of the first time Sev and I kissed, I smiled at the memory, "Then speak the incantation, Expecto patronum." We repeated the phrase after him, "Now Harry you first." I stood by Remus as he unlocked the chest. The dementor immediately flew out once Remus opened the chest, "Expecto patronum !" Harry shouted although nothing happened he tried again but this time he fainted Remus helped Harry up and gave him a piece of chocolate, "It's alright I didn't expect you to do it the first time, it would've been remarkable. Britney let's give Harry a chance to rest while you try." I got up and stood a few feet away from the chest, Remus opened the chest and the dementor flew out "Expecto patronum !" Nothing happened so I tried again, "Expecto patronum !" This time a large shield of light came out my wand as I pushed the dementor back into the chest with, "Wonderful. Well done Britney well done ! That was truly remarkable and if I'm being honest I think you would have given your father a run for his money. And that's saying something." Remus praised me, "Thank you Remus." Harry tried again and this time he got it, "What memory did you two think about ?" Remus asked , "I thought of the first time I saw our parents." Harry said, "And what about you Britney ? It must've been powerful if you got it on your first try." Heat rose to my cheeks as I recalled the memory, "I'd prefer not to say, it's rather personal." Remus nodded in understanding as Harry gave me a suspicious look.

I was walking with the trio down to Hagrid's to see how his hearing went, apparently Draco was 'attacked' by Buckbeak and Hagrid had a hearing with Malfoy's father to decide if the poor creature got to live or not, "Beautiful day." Hermione chimed, "Gorgeous unless of course you've been ripped to pieces." Ron seethed glaring at Hermione, "What are you on about Ron ?" I asked him, "Ronald has lost his rat." Hermione answered, "I haven't lost anything, your cat killed him !" "Rubbish !" "Harry, Britney you've seen that blood-thirsty best is always lurking about. Scabbers is gone !" "Well maybe you should learn to take better care of your pets !" "Your cat killed him !" "Did not. "Did." Harry and I looked at each other uncomfortably as we decided to stay out of their quarrel." We soon found Hagrid down by the black lake skipping stones, "How'd it go Hagrid ? At the hearing ?" I asked him, "Well first off the committee members took turns talking about why we were there." He started off as he skipped another stone, "Then after that I did my piece, said how Buckbeak was a good hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers and then Lucius Malfoy said his, now can imagine what he said, he said Buckbeak was a deadly creature that'd kill you as soon as you look away." He said skipping another stone, "And then ?" Hermione pressed, "And then Lucius asked for the worst thing." Hagrid answer, "Not sacking you ?" "No I'm not sacked. Buckbeak's been sentenced to death !" Hagrid cried out throwing a stone in the water.

That night I was patrolling the corridors to make sure all the students were in bed, it was rather dark when I came to a certain corridor so I lit up my wand, making the paintings on the wall complain, I soon saw a light coming from around the corner and decided to see who it was only to be met by Harry and Sev, "Harry, Sev ?" Sev turned around in surprise when I said their names, "Britney what are you doing up at this time of night, shouldn't you be asleep ?" Sev asked me worriedly, "I'm a prefect remember ? Tonight was my night to do this wing of the castle." I reminded him, "Right ." Sev replied kissing my head, then I saw the grimace that Harry gave us, Sev must have seen it too, "You did tell him about us didn't you ?" "Yes, but we didn't get a chance to discuss it properly." "Ah I see." "Anyway why are you up ?" I questioned Harry, "I was just about to ask him the same thing." Sev said smugly, I directed my eyes to him I saw the smirk plastered on his face as he waited for Harry to answer my question, "I was sleep walking." Harry replied hesitantly, "No you weren't." I dismissed quickly, "What do you mean, 'no you weren't' ?" Harry asked, "Harry I practically raised you from infantry and you've never had a problem with sleep walking before so don't lie to me." Sev scoffed, "Extraordinarily like your father he is. Strutting about the castle." "Our dad didn't strut and nor do I. Now I'd appreciate it if you lower your wand." Harry said sternly, "Turn out you pockets." Sev instructed, "Do as he says Harry." I told him sternly as he reluctantly complied, "What's this ?" Sev questioned, "Spare piece of parchment." Harry replied, "Really ? Open it." Sev instructed as Harry reluctantly complied, "Reveal your secrets." Sev drawled placing his wand on the so called parchment, "Read it." "Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs offer their compliments to Professor Snape and...." "Go on." Sev ordered, "And request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other peoples business." Harry finished sassily, "Harry !" I scolded in a warning tone, "Why you insolent, little-," "Professor." Sev and I turned around to see Remus, "Well, well Lupin out fora little walk in the moonlight are we ?" Remus looked to Harry and I, "Harry, Britney are you two alright ?" Remus asked with concern, I saw Severus visibly tense, "They remain to be seen." Sev seethed at Remus grabbing Harry's 'parchment', "I have just now confiscated a rather curious artifact from Mr Potter, take a look Lupin it's supposed to be your area of expertise, clearly it's full of dark magic." Sev explained, "I seriously doubt it Severus, it appears as though it's merely a parchment designed to insult anyone who tries to read it, I suspect it's a Zonko's product." Remus stated with a chuckle and moved the parchment away as soon as Sev tried to grab it, "Nevertheless, I shall investigate any hidden qualities it may possess, it is, as you say my area of expertise, Harry, would you come with me ? Professor that will be all." Remus said walking away with Harry. I turned to Sev, "I should probably get back to my room as well." I said softly, "You could come stay with me in my quarters if you want."  Offered Sev, "I'd love to but the last time I stayed at your quarters Fred and George asked why I wasn't at breakfast as early as I usually was and besides I don't want them to get too suspicious until I can tell them next year." I replied with a sigh, "Ok I understand. I'll see you tomorrow." He said kissing my forehead, "I love you." "I love you too." Sev replied as we went our separate ways.

The Chosen ones sister जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें