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Chapter 37

Y/n couldn't breathe, her eyes got blurry. She could feel water entering her mouth, ears and nose. She was drowning, and not one was helping her.

"Y/n, please wake up. Don't die. I promise I will leave you forever, I will leave your life and let you live. I promise I will never bother you, just stay alive princess." Jungkook cried while holding her hand. She heard a voice and she opened her eyes and saw Jungkook.

"Oh god you finally woke up. I was so scared." He kissed her forehead. "Are you okay? I feel like I can finally breathe now."

"I am fine, can you call my dad now?" She sat up, her head was hurting and she had wounds in her head but all she remembers was drowning.

"Dad?" Jungkook was confused. He called the doctor, and Doctor examined her.

"Do you remember how you ended up here?" The doctor asked.

"I remember I was drowning in the sea. Now where is my dad? I want to see him." She replied with crossed arms with a little pout. "Where is dad? It's getting scary." She said with a little worried expression.

"She got a major injury on her head, I think that is the reason she lost her memory and her mind went back in age." The doctor said,

"Y/n," Jungkook said.

She looked at Jungkook's face. "Who are you?"

Jungkook held her hand. "I am the one who saved you from drowning."

"No, I remember, it was an Oppa with huge eyes." Y/n said. Jungkook let out a small chuckle.

"I am that Oppa, Y/n." He said. He held her forehead and kissed it.

He wished for a new life with her. A new start here it was. But it didn't feel like a new start. He feels guilty, even more guilty because she is in this state because of his mother too.


"No! Leave me! Oppa will." Y/n exclaimed.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked.
The nurse told him that She was not letting the nurse change the dressing.

She came back home. Jungkook was happy as he got to take care of Y/n, live with her, and his dad was doing good too.

Y/n can get her memory back, it was not permanent. But Jungkook now kinda wishes she would never remember it.

Is he being selfish?

Because now he doesn't want her to ever get back her memory. He thinks it would be better for her and better for himself.

She will not remember all the pain she went through over the years.

Jungkook does feel guilty, but it's not like Y/n is not happy. She is more Happy like this, carefree, happy and exactly how she used to be.

"Oppa, I want to take a bath." She said,

"Okay, I will prepare a bath for you." Jungkook said he prepared it for her.

"Oppa, you will not wash me? I am too Young to take a bath." She pouted. She is extremely clingy to him.

Jungkook knows how Y/n was when she was 8 and she was a really rude kid. And here Y/n is really clingy to him. But Jungkook doesn't mind. Maybe she is clingy because she craves affection.

"You can take a bath on your own." Jungkook said.

"No, my body hurts. I don't know how to clean myself without hurting my injuries." Y/n said. Jungkook sighed. She is right. He helped her take off clothes and give her a bath.

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