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Chapter 25


"Here, Honey, your coffee."

"Thank you." Y/n's father smiled. "How's Y/n now? She was crying when I went to see her."

"She is fine now. Jungkook is with her." She replied.

"I should check her again." He said.

"Honey, just sit and drink coffee with me. You can check her before going to sleep." Jungkook's mom said. He nodded his head.

But after drinking coffee, he was feeling dizzy and pain in his chest.

"Are you okay? You should lay on the bed." She said.

"I am just a little tired, " He lay on the bed.

"Rest honey. " She put a blanket on top of him.

Someone knocked on the door. She went to open the door. "Y/n, what are you doing at this time?"

"I just want to see dad. He must be worried about me." Y/n said. When her father came to see her, Y/n was crying alot. After all the mean things her stepmom said to her.

"He is sleeping."

"Sleeping? Dad doesn't sleep at this time. Is he sick?" She decided to enter the room anyway. She saw her father on bed groaning in pain.

"Dad, are you okay?" Y/n asked. He was not okay. So she quickly called the hospital.

Y/n was confused while sitting on the hospital chair. She was trying to be strong. Her father will be alright. She told herself.

Jungkook just looked at her, it reminded him so much of the time when he was in the hospital because of his father.

The doctors said they could meet her father, her father was still in critical condition but he wanted to meet Y/n. "Dad, you scared me. Please don't leave me."

Y/n cried, "Y/n don't cry. Dad wants to see you strong." He said.

"I am not a strong dad! You know that! You will be fine. Doctor said it was cardiac arrest. You will come back home with me tomorrow." She exclaimed.

When Y/n said the last line, he remembered asking his late wife the same thing.

"I will come home with you Y/n." He kissed her hand.

He kissed her hand. "You will do amazing, Hard times will not last long, Y/n."

He said he wanted to talk to Jungkook alone.

"I am terrified right now. I am not scared of dying. But I am scared that after my death. Y/n would be alone. No one would be there to take care of her be with her. She already been through so much. I don't want my daughter to be lonely. Don't leave her alone, stay with her. As a family." He added. "Your mother, she is a nice woman. But when it comes to Y/n. I kinda trust you more than her."

Jungkook just listen to him.

He hold his hand and asked. "Can you promise me to take care of her? No matter what happens. Please be there for her."

He looked at Jungkook hoping for any reply.

"I promise.

Present day,

Jungkook stared at his father. His father is still alive and in a coma.

He broke Y/n and Y/n's father promise.

His head is a mess, he had made three promises. His mother's promise, Y/n's father promise and Y/n's promise.

He wish his Father wakes up. Even after years, Jungkook still have hope his father will wake up. And he comes here everytime he is stressed or sad.

Jungkook sometimes thinks if his father wakes up, will he be able to recognize Jungkook?

Maybe not, Jungkook was a little innocent kid, and his mother turned him into a monster.

"I am sorry appa, I am so confused. Sometimes I became selfish and want to forget everything and live normally with Y/n. I don't want you to be disappointed." He said. His father would be disappointed to know what he has been doing. "I wish you wake up and advice me what I should do."

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