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Chapter 5

This is the most magical moment, a happy ending of the fairytale. The prince charming was right there holding her hand. He pulled her closer.

She couldn't see his face. She tried to focus and then she saw Jungkook's face. And the kiss-

She sat up, and woke up from the dream. She sighed when she thought it was a dream. She was sleeping on the sofa of her house.

She saw Jungkook. "God Oppa, I had a really cringy dream. Ew I don't even want to think about it." She said,

Jungkook just glared at her. "I brush at least 50 times since last night now because of you. Now my gums are hurting. You literally put your tongue down my throat."

She stood on her knees on the sofa, "What? What do you mean? Wait?" She gasped. "Did I actually kiss you?"

"Eww, oh my god. Ew. Ew. Ew. How can I ew!" She said, cringing over it. Fake cringing, she didn't mind that kiss that much yet she wants to show Jungkook. "You did stop me?"

"I did, but by that time your tongue was exploring my mouth." He said.

"Ew! Stop! Oh my god! I am insane! My first kiss! Give it back to me!"

"You want me to kiss you back?" He asked. She quickly put her hand over her mouth.

"No, my first kiss. It was supposed to be magical."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Y/n, fcking grow up, there is no magic. You think you will kiss your prince charming and everything will get better. You think you marry the person you kiss? And spent the whole fcking life with them? But in real life there is no prince charming even if they are, they are useless and weak. Villains rule the world."


"Also, you don't want a prince, who would marry anyone who fits the glass shoe because he doesn't remember the face, you want a villain, who will fcking break the glass shoe and use it to stab anyone who hurt you." He exclaimed.

"Okay, you are telling me I should go and find a murderer. Okay Oppa I will."

"No, just whatever. I ruined last night's party. And now you-" He looked at Y/n whose eyes were already filled with tears. "What now?"

"You raised your voice on me." She started.

"I didn't." This is another thing Jungkook hates about Y/n. She is really spoiled and starts crying even if someone yells at her or scolds her. Her father never did it.

"Y/n, dear why are you crying?" Her father came to her.

His mother slapped. "Jungkook, how many times have I told you to stay within your limits?"

Y/n was surprised, but it didn't happen the first time.

"Jungkook, leave. Go to your room." Jungkook didn't say anything and just left.

"Oh god, honey I told you not to do that," Y/n's father said.

"We left her alone with him. He was supposed to take care of her, and he is making her cry." She replied.

"No, I wasn't crying because of him. " Y/n spoken.

"I know him, he must have said something. I am sorry for his behavior Y/n."


"Oppa," Y/n went to his room. He ignored her. He was folding his clothes.

"Oppa," She jumped on his back, and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Go off my back you lizard!" Jungkook finally spoke.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked. He shook his head. He continued doing his work as if a 50 kg girl was not clinging to his back. "I really didn't think that mom would come back and hit you. I swear I didn't. And why did your mom hit you? You are 23 years old!"

He turned her and placed her on the bed. "She is my mom, she can. It doesn't matter how old I am."

"But it wasn't your fault-"

"If mom thinks it's my fault, it is." He replied.

"I really thought that, if dad married another woman, she would be mean and evil towards me. Now I feel like she is unfair towards you," Y/n said, it's not the first time. Everytime Jungkook and Y/n fought, she always scolded Jungkook or hit him. Even when it's not his fault.

"You should not cry over small things, life is too harsh, and you are nowhere ready to face the real world." He said.

"I have you to protect me right?"

"Not always."

"What? No! I want my brother to be with me all the time."

"Someone put her tongue in her brot-"

She put hands on his mouth. "Eww Stop! Don't mention it ever again!"

Jungkook laughed. She knows he will tease her for a long time.


His mother caressed his cheeks. "Is it still hurting?"

"No mom," Jungkook replied.

"I feel pain every time I hit you dear. I am sorry." She exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, you don't need to be sorry." He wiped her tears.

"I promise, we will take revenge for each and every time you get hurt because of her. She is such a drama queen, always crying in front of her father and making you look like a bad person." She caressed his cheeks. Jungkook held her hand and kissed it.

"She has to pay for everything."

"Are you doing what I told you too? She should know you are with her all the time, and she should feel that you care for her."

"Yes, mom."


Y/n was excited to see Chen, she couldn't talk to him after that embarrassing incident.

She saw him, making out with another girl.

God, it breaks her heart. Why do guys have to ruin it? She actually thought he would care for her. He was so sweet to her. But he is sweet to all the girls.

She came back home. Jungkook and his two friends were in the living room. Y/n tried to sneak into the room. But Jimin stood in front of her. He was about to make fun of her but then noticed she was crying.

"Why are you crying? Did your date dump you?" Jimin said it as a joke, it wasn't new that she was crying. She would cry at absolutely small things. But his joking distracts her. This time she didn't reply so he got the idea that it was something serious.

She tried to leave but Jungkook held her hand. "What happened Y/n?" He asked.

"Nothing," she replied.

"Tell me what happened? Who made you cry?"

She pushed him. "You were right about Chen. Are you happy now?"

She went to her room.


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