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Chapter 4

Y/n feels nervous, her date was really good at flirty and talking. While she doesn't know how to reply. She just smiles.

She felt weird as if she was being watched or something. She is not even focused on the movie, cliche that their hand touches while taking the popcorn. She looked at him. Chen holds her during the movie.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. He told Y/n he left. But he didn't, he was sitting right behind them and keeping an eye on her.

He wants to cut the guy's hand for holding her.

They were staring at each other. Jungkook saw Chen lean in and come near to Y/n. She closed her eyes.


Jungkook can't stand it anymore. He spilled his cold drink over Chen from behind. Making him shocked. Y/n opened her eyes and was surprised to see Chen whose hair and clothes were wet now.

She looked at Jungkook. "Oppa! What are you doing here?"

Everyone in Cinema was staring at them. "Let's go." Jungkook held her hand and pulled her out of the cinema.

"What is this!? How could you do that? And why are you here?" Y/n exclaimed.

"Didn't I say no makeouts?" He replied and opened the door for her. "You knew you wouldn't listen to me, that is why I had to follow you."

"Seriously? You are too much. What Chen must be thinking about me?" She crossed her arms.


Jungkook brought her home, Y/n texted Chen and he told her it was fine. They can go out again.

She smiled. "How sweet he is."

She thought about it, and she was not ready for the kiss. She was nervous and didn't know what the kiss should be like. She doesn't even know How to kiss.

She opened her laptop and decided to search about it.

"How to make your first kiss magical?" She flinched when she heard a deep voice. She looked behind and saw Taehyung. "Reading articles like this will not teach you anything."

She shut the laptop, She felt so embarrassed. But if it was Jimin he would have teased her for years.

"I just-"

"Nervous about first kiss?" He said. "There is no magic, the first kiss is always the most embarrassing."

"I don't want that, I want it to be magical." Like in fairy tales.

"How about we practice then? Maybe I can make your first kiss magical?" Taehyung said. She can't believe her ears. It's a dream right?

He pulled her hand and made her stand. He put her hands over his shoulder and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

God, they would be dead if Jungkook saw him like this. But she was lost in his eyes. She has never been this close to him, She could even smell him. And he smells so nice.

"Y/n," Taehyung whispered in his deep voice. "Relax, I can feel your body being stiffening."

She really melted in his arms when he said. "Is the world around us disappearing?" He asked. She nodded her head. She can't see anything else except him.

He held her chin, "Keep the eye contact, but even the lips are about to touch, close your eyes."

She closed her eyes ready to feel his lips on her. Taehyung stared at her closed eyes and smiled. He kissed her cheeks. And then pulled away. "You would be fine I think."

She opened her eyes and damn she was disappointed. Second time this happened to her, but she was more disappointed that she didn't get to kiss Taehyung.

"You are drooling." He said. She panicked and started wiping her lips. He chuckled.

Jungkook came, he stared at Taehyung and then at Y/n. "What are you doing here? Let's go, we will be late." Jungkook said.

Now that he said, Y/n noticed they are dressed up, "Are you going somewhere?" She asked.

"Go to sleep Cinderella. It's almost 12 am." Jungkook knows how much he hates it when he calls her Cinderella, but he teases her sometimes.

"I want to come too! Can I?" She said with puppy eyes.

"No, you can't. First of all the party is for 18+ people and Jimin is hosting it. He specifically told me that you are banned from the party." Jungkook said, "Let's go Tae."

"See you." Taehyung winked at her. She waved at Taehyung with a smile.

"That Jimin! I am banned from his party? Who the hell is he to decide that? I am going to that party whether he likes it or not!"


Why is everyone hot here?  Everyone was good looking.

"You are not invited Y/n." She turned and saw Jimin wearing a jacket, but no shirt underneath. His nevermind tattoo was showing. "You like my abs?" He smirked.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "You have a terrible fashion sense."

"Why are you? I only invited pretty people. You were banned from here." Jimin exclusive.

"I banned you from my house. You still manage to enter."

"You are accepting that you are not pretty. That is good you are self aware."

Y/n closed her fist. He makes her so furious. She wants to hit his face.

"I know I  am not pretty. I am gorgeous." She said, And Jimin started laughing.

"What will you do here? Jungkook doesn't allow you anything. You can't drink, you can't dance, you can't make out with anyone. Go home kid." Jimin exclaimed.

"I can do everything!" She said.


Jungkook was getting bored at the party, it's the same usual mess. He is just there to vibe to music and drink. Now he feels like he can do that at home more peacefully. Jimin's party is a mess.

And the host, Jimin. He is just doing some stupid drinking competition with Y/n.

Wait Y/n? 

Drinking competition with Y/n?

She is here?

Of course she sneaks into the party. Jungkook thought so. But drinking? Not that is not appropriate.

He held Y/n and stopped her from drinking more. "No-"

She gasped as she looked at Jungkook. "Oppa."

"Jimin, for god sake why are you drinking with Y/n! You know she can't drink!" Jungkook said.

"I just wanted a drink." She pouted.

"Did you only have one drink?" Jungkook asked.

"Maybe two? Wait nine!"

He pulled her out of the party. "God Y/n! Why can't you just let me enjoy myself! You always ruin my plans." 

"But You don't like parties." She said she couldn't even walk and was about to fall. He held her waist.

"I also don't like you, but I have to pretend like I care about you." He exclaimed, she was drunk so he said the truth.

"Pretend? If you don't care about me, you won't be doing the things you do for me." She replied. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Accept it, you spend each day, each hour, each minute, even each second thinking about me."

True, he thinks about her all the time. Not because he loves her. He has some plans and goals that he wants to achieve.

She leaned in and kissed his lips.


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