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Chapter 3

"This is so annoying! Why does she follow me everywhere? She tries to talk to my friends. I am starting to hate her." Jungkook complained to his mother.

"But she told me that you acted like a hero. Saved her from bullies and stuff." His mother replied.

"I did because she acted like an idiot, she can't even fight back. And let that guy hit her."

Her lips curve, "Really? Is that so? She can't fight for herself?" Jungkook nodded his head. "Make sure it remain that way,"

"I am taking care of her just because you told me too."

"You should, she is part of our family now."

"No, she is not. Only you are my family." Jungkook replied.

"Of course." She smiled and kissed his head. "Just do what I say, soon you don't have to worry about Y/n."

It was Impossible for Jungkook to do nothing while she always gets herself in trouble, if it's either picking a fight with some girls, or getting bullied.

And what's the role he gets? A big brother, just there to protect his little sister.

He started it's annoyed, which might be true, but slowly he started to like it. Not the idea of being his brother, but just being there for her. And she comes to him whining every time she needs him.

Jungkook draws limits, he doesn't let her be clingy, which was the right thing to do.

He was the one who put boundaries between them, and now he is getting annoyed when she turns 17 and wants to date someone.

"Really? That guy? He is a fckboy! Y/n at least has a good taste in men." He said. He was standing at the door. He hates how much she has changed over years, he liked her better when she was still following her.

"What should I do? Change partners everyday like you? She replied in a mocking tone. No, he is not a fckboy. He just tries to find someone with whom he can bond emotionally. But because of his image and looks, girls consider that he would be interested in physical relationship only which is not true.

"I do so as a trial to find the right one." Jungkook exclaimed. Right one, he doesn't know who is the right one for him. He ends up finding flaws in everyone.

"That's not how it works." She checked her lipstick. "You don't even let me hang out with Tae Oppa. He is my best friend, so of course you trust him."

"No, I have told you, you can't date my friends."

"Okay, done. I am leaving. He must be waiting for me."

Jungkook stopped her. "Listen here," He made her look into his eyes. He is soft for her, everytime he looks at her eyes he melts. " You can go out with anyone. But if you get hurt or heartbroken, you will not stop me from what I will do."

"What will you do?" She asked.

"You will see."

She left her room. “Woah, You look pretty. Are you going out Y/n?” Jungkook’s friend Taehyung said.

"Actually," she hesitated before telling him that she is going on a date. She has a crush on Taehyung.

"Date-" Y/n quickly put her hand over Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook looked at her, his body stiffened. Even a slight touch makes him uncomfortable. He pushed her.

"No, I am going out with friends." She lied.

"She is going on a date." Jungkook said it.

She pouted and looked at Taehyung, who doesn't show any sign if he cares about it. Only if he wasn't Jungkook's friend. Maybe still nothing would happen, he is 5 years older than her.

"You look ugly with makeup." Jungkook's other friend Jimin said, She rolled her eyes.

"Why are you here 24/7? Don't you have your own house?" She said,

"But my house doesn't have a clown like you to entertain." Jimin replied. Taehyung put his hands over his shoulder.

"Stop, she must be getting late for the date." Taehyung stopped before she started a fight with Jimin.

"Yes. I am leaving now." She went to the main door.

And Jungkook was following her. Jungkook picks up his car keys.

“What? You are not coming with me.”

“I am. You are still not an adult.”

“Ahhh no. You friends are here. So, spend time with them."

Jungkook ignored her words and opened the car door for her. "Sit in the car."

"No, I will not." She crossed her arms.


She looked at his face. "Fine."

She sat in the car. It's a habit of hers to do whatever he tells her to. He started driving, he asked for an address and was disappointed with her reply. "Cinema on the first date? Seriously? Does that assh*le have no manners?"

"He has a name, Chen. Also it's not our first date, we know each other from school. So a cinema date is not that bad. We can hold hands in the dark." She exclaimed.

"Your taste in men sucks."

"It's not about my taste, you will hate every guy I date." She replied.

It is really true, even thinking about her being with other guys makes him annoyed. He didn't say anything, his grip tightening on the steering wheel.

He stopped the car when they reached.

"At what time should I pick you?" Jungkook asked.

"No, you are not coming to pick me."

"I will, and don't make out with him."

"I am 17! I can if I want!"

"Exactly that is why I am telling you. Teenagers make stupid mistakes."

"Oh, he is here. I am leaving! Bye!" She left the car and waved at the guy who was waiting for her.

Jungkook stared at her as she hugged the guy.


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