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Alpha Queen Amory's POV

The howls still rang in her ears long after the coronation and the celebration following it. Amory remembered kindly to the many dances she had with not only Romulus and her males, but a plethora of others in the Kingdom—She even managed to persuade Wilhelm to share a dance or two, and he seemed to have a joyous time.

If she had to guess, at the very least.

Now, however, she was leaning into Romulus' embrace and rocking to the beat of the carriage. Not realizing that her husband was set on leaving for their Honeymoon so soon.

It created an unnerving amount of stress on her shoulders, goodness, she would rather manage the catastrophes of what happened during their hand-fasting ceremony than be shocked at this reveal.

Truly, even her own males were well versed in this plan, given that they were riding on their own horses at the carriage's sides. Along with a plethora of shifted Enforcers escorting them to the better part of their destination.

"Ease that beating heart of yours, you know how it makes me feel when it starts to speed up."
"I can't help it, you didn't give me much of a warning."
"A warning? You needed a warning for this Honey-moon?" She gave a single nod before ducking her head back into his shoulder, closing her eyes. "I'm exhausted, Rom."

"Exhausted, and coming down from adrenaline. Yes, I did not realize it would be such a pitfall. Rest, love. For there will be little time for much else." The growl that escaped his throat had caused her to gasp, a cruel reminder that she most certainly needed to have a conversation with him.

A proper conversation.

Romulus was already well aware of the fact that most of their sexual encounters were the farthest she has ever gone...And the previous time they had done anything of the sort was the night falling the Ball.

As if the idea itself was tainted with Mithwell's betrayal.

It still warmed her heart that Marcus had intercepted his own set of Rogues who attempted to send word to other packs in the surrounding areas, but the messages themselves were already being met with the Alpha King and Alpha Queen's design to send Enforcers to scout and perhaps even apprehend whatever is managing in the set locations.

It wasn't fair that Amory was traveling to her family's intact summer home to enjoy something she's dreamed of since she introduced such a human concept to her husband. But he was fixated on something more, something that churned her stomach.

Whatever the Demon King had done, hadn't eliminated all her problems, there was still a course of self-loathing in her body that ached. Even when thinking of what she and Romulus would be up to, it was a painful idea, but it was important.

"Rom...When we get there, could we have a bit of wine?" She asked, and Romulus chuckled as he nuzzled her temple. "Of course, we'll take some wine in the bath...Perhaps even sit under the stars, make the most of this Honey-moon." She snorted, pushing up from his chest to look at him with earnest curiosity.

"Is that all you have planned?"
"Oh, not at all...I plan to lavish you until the sun rises tomorrow. You can count on this, my mate." There was that word again, the very one that made her flinch—But thankfully the carriage had shifted just in time to hide it from Romulus.

Though he took a protective hold of her to ensure she wasn't tossed further into the carriage. "Rest, we are nearly there." With his directive, Amory tried her best to get the suggested rest. But just closing her eyes had offered some sort of luxury and surely mended her onset of never-ending nerves.

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