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Healer Rhea's POV

Invitations had gone out just the night before, as Rhea had been drilled at the possibility of her marriage since her mother deemed her old enough to receive proposals.

Granted, the wedding itself would have been postponed until she was truly of age, but it didn't hurt to look or gauge the next step in Amory's life. However, it did help in sending out the news to various Kingdoms.

Rhea remembered kindly to the surrounding Kingdoms and their Kings—But more importantly, their sons.

King Thaddeus of the Creasan Kingdom was a force to be reckoned with, but as her father had instated before his death, the death of Thaddeus' Queen was his own ticking bomb. Though as Rhea had taken to look out the large window of her rooms, she eyed the sky—Wondering how the Prince of Creasan was fairing.

Perhaps he was in a similar situation as herself.

As a human, it did well to keep the peace, but her marriage to Romulus would destroy what had once been. While her father hadn't been friends with Thaddeus, there was a bit of an alliance at one point in the family, given that the Vampyre King had reigned together with her grandfather.

It was troubling to think about ruling for so long, but Rhea was hopeful that Prince Darius had used his time wisely—That the invitation to the wedding would be a bridge between them.

Again, the keyword she was pleading to the Goddess was hopefully.

The next King she was looking forward to was Demon King Soras Volron of Nivaria. The elusive male who seemed to remain in his own world. There were plenty of rumors surrounding the male, but only one had remained throughout the decades of his punishment.

That Soras had captured the heart of a Phoenix and lost her.

"Come to bed, love. It's late." Romulus whispered, his arms coming to wrap around the better half of her figure before pulling her close into his embrace. And Rhea had all but leaned back into his bare chest, taking a gaze up to see the relaxed expression on his face.
"You smell good." She whispered, taking notice that he had actually taken the moment to use her oils.

"Those damned things spilled on me."
"Oh? But you smell like vanilla." She cooed, filling her lungs with another breath. Though that mere action had suggested otherwise in Romulus' mind. As he lifted her up, pressing her lightly against the wall just beside the window. "Those are claiming actions, female."
"Hm, serves you right for disrupting my thought." Rhea retaliated, and he playfully snarled as he leaned further into the crook of her neck, instantiating the same inhale she had just managed.

Leaving Rhea with a shaken breath. "Patience, female. Our Honeymoons is nearly upon us."
"Damn you, Rom. Why did you have to be a respectable bastard when it doesn't matter anymore?" He instantly recoiled from his position as he leveled his eyes back with his mate, his beloved.

"I respect you much much more than a quick fuck, Rhea. When we join, it will be slow, and sensual. I will be respectful of all that you have given me. It's what the Queen of our combined Kingdom deserves."
"I take it back, you're still a cocky male." A smirk played on his lips as he accepted it all and pressed a small kiss to the bare flesh of her neck and began the return to carry her into bed.

Their bed, for the time being.

"That I wish to have you all to myself when we join, yes. I will accept the claim of being cocky—But what male in my position would not be, when you bless me with such a beautiful sound." Rhea rolled her eyes as she allowed herself the moment to trace a few patterns at the back of his neck.

The Brave Human MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora