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Healer Rhea's POV

With the arrival of Rhea's males, it gave a perfect ground for her to realize to what had happened and what was essentially a tonic-induced nightmare. Sometimes it was Hawes simply humming a soft tune, or Gilroy telling one of a dozen stories to showcase what has happened to her property and the people in the meantime.

It's what gave her the will to remain awake, and every minute that passed, she could feel her body growing stronger. So was it any of all strange for Romulus to return to Rhea's private infirmary room to see her standing at the window—With help of course, but standing non the less.

"We've had a productive day, sir," Gilroy informed, and Romulus tilted his head. Yes, there seemed to be an array of empty plates and half a kettle on the table off in the corner.

"Has she eaten?"
"She has, and she's much more awake. Thank you." Rhea said, snickering to the side as she turned just a bit to meet her fiancee's gaze. It was refreshing to see those bold and striking ocean-blue eyes staring back at him.

No longer were they dull and mute, but the sigh of relief that came from Rhea as she walked the gentle steps toward Romulus was all he could have hoped for.

That she hadn't lashed out or shown any anger towards his person. All she seemed to want was to be in his embrace, what sort of male would he be to deny his mate such a simple thing?

"And? How are you feeling?"
"Tired, sore, and bored. But I refuse to be put in that contraption." She claimed, pointing off to the wheelchair settled against the wall—Almost as though she pushed it out of sight on purpose. "I would offer to carry you, but I have an inkling you won't like that option either."

"No, not really...Are you here to stay?"
"Indeed I am. How about an early lunch?" The temptation of food had caused Rhea to grin, it seemed her body needed far more to regain what it had lost—It was her stomach that wouldn't agree with the rest of her body, making it a challenge.

Even if hunger was a forefront feeling, it was the anxiety of the pains returning if she left herself with it. Romulus knew what hunger looked like, but not what it felt—Not as an Alpha King's son, nor just as an Alpha's son.

He had a much fairer upbringing, but he would not fault Rhea's shifts in hunger. Instead, he offered small meals whenever he could, hoping that she wouldn't see too much into it. Given that he too, was seeking out something to eat.

"They could use a break from my company..." Rhea whispered, knowing full well Romulus would be able to hear her, and thus he had turned and allowed Clive and Ray to give the rest a proper tour.

Though that seemed like the perfect time to hound the young boy about a mysterious female that he's been caught speaking to just that morning.

"Leave him alone! I don't want you picking him apart, you four aren't vultures!" Rhea shouted, after hearing Willow's name be tossed about, but Gilroy simply frowned. "There are five of us, Rhee."

"I know Hawes wouldn't tease like that." The male in question had smiled ever so brightly and signed a prompt thank you back to her before leaving entirely.

"Well, I was hoping you would like to venture out of this room...Would you humor me, Rhea?" He motioned to the wheelchair that no doubt had dust in it, but she could hardly say no.

Not when it was her ticket out of the room.

"Promise you won't laugh?"
"I wouldn't dream of it, my sweet." A faint blush had crept on her cheeks as she turned to make the gentle walk across the ways. But that in itself seemed to be a challenge, one that Romulus did not want her to go about on her own.

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