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Healer Rhea's POV

The bells had called onward of Rhea's arrival to the throne room, and perhaps it was the comfort of Dane's offering arm, as well as the hand that is encased over hers. "How are you feeling, my Queen?"

"Nerved...But in a good way." He was laughing, no doubt. And whether the wolves heard or not, she could see just how happy they were in following the King's orders.

And soon to be Queen's.

"Your mother and father are smiling in the heavens, Queen Amory. I can promise you that—And once the world knows of your return, all will be well." It was a repeat of what she had said almost a lifetime ago.

Or at least, that's what it felt like.

But the devious smile was mirrored between Rhea and Dane as this spectacle wasn't only for a wedding and announcing her return. The high-ranking members of the Tirean Kingdom were about to fall at the seams.

Upon approaching the double doors to the throne room, the guards she surpassed had joined in behind her, while those stationed at the doors had bowed before pulling to open them.

The light commotion had turned into quickened movements as the guests had risen at attention to the King's bride. Rhea had surveyed the audience underneath her laced veil and knew just where her targets lay.

With that had allowed her another edge of comfort, but nothing would amount to the moment when she caught sight of Romulus Tirean at the bottom of the throne steps.

It was as if her heart stalled and her lungs gave way to a small gasp—Goddess bless, he looked immaculate.
His eyes were heavy with lust, even better that they were pinned on her.

Not on her figure, but her eyes—The window to her soul.
And if her body could speak out loud, it would have been nothing but bouts of devotion to the male in front of her, instead, she shifted under the pressure of his gaze.

It was dominant, more than any Alpha in the Kingdom was capable of. And after years of fighting to secure his position as King, it became utterly clear what it meant.

That the lingering scars were trophies to showcase his victories and how he earned the right to be called King.
And Rhea—Amory—Was walking directly to seal her fate.

To return to the stolen throne and reclaim her destiny.

And with each step, it felt right, it felt as thrilling as whatever the Demon King had done to her body in the last half hour.

With only a small distance left, the music had sparked into a quicker beat, but Dane had held her back from losing their set pace. She found herself laughing lightly to herself as she squeezed his forearm in a silent, but thankful grace.

Perhaps it wasn't her own impatience that pushed things along, as the King had taken a step towards her and gestured his hand away. But the passing of a female in the human world was a staple.

And with Dane taking the position of her father, he had bent down to kiss her hand and place it directly into the King's before making his way with the rest of the males at either side of the lower base of the alter.

The second that Rhea's and Romulus' hands touched, it felt as though the final spark had erupted into her body as he waited for her to become his equal, to take the steps together as one.

But with the way Romulus' hold tightened, it was clear he worried about her strength. And Rhea simply smiled underneath the veil as she took in his small actions, all in consideration to help her.

The Brave Human MateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz