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Healer Rhea's POV

Rhea wasn't surprised that Romulus had swiftly offered to share a carriage back to the castle, and it would be a blatant insult if she refused him in front of this Noble family. So, she agreed, though she wished she had a moment to properly look over the rest of the evening.

But more so Colten.

"I take it you had a good time?" Romulus' voice was low, and even with how dark things appeared, his eyes glistened—It might have installed a bit of fear, had she not known the wolf, but she knew outright what he was getting at.

"It was nice to get out of the castle. Besides, Keiran's family is very kind. I will be inviting Willow to study sometime in the future for sure." She mustered, and Romulus busied himself by twisting the button of his coat.

"And Colton?"

"What about Colton?"

"The two of you were out on the porch for a while, by yourselves." She licked her lips and tilted her head.
"Rom, we were talking about religion. I highly doubt that's as promiscuous as you're making it sound. But if you want some graphic imagery to punish yourself further with, do you think grass stains will come out as easily as—" She had even played the part of tapping her knees, but the way his hand shot out to catch her wrist had her gasp. "You get your hands off me this instance, Romulus. Have you lost your mind?"

"And has the wine caused your tongue to grow loose? Why do you tease me?"

"As far as I'm concerned, Rom, we're engaged for a later date. That might not be binding to a wolf like yourself, but it's as close to marriage as I'm ever going to get in this lifetime. And I wouldn't betray you like this. I'm trying to make connections and network, it's what comes with the job of a council member. And you know damn well that this world is male based!" Her voice had turned into a low hiss, not wanting any of those outside to hear her. "Do you think I'm truly this frugal?"

"No, it's the males I do not trust. You are a beautiful female who holds yourself in high confidence. To a wolf, that is an affinity that we crave in a mate." She rolled her eyes, of course, that was his route to blame.

"Tell me, is this how you're going to act every time that a male comes and speaks with me?"

"An Alpha is possessive, and you're forgetting I'm King." She wrapped her arms across her chest and leaned back, not caring for her image as she truly did need to give the ache that was starting to build for keeping her posture for so long.

"What?" He questioned, and she remained silent, squinting her eyes to tempt him further, withholding her smile as her plan was coming together quite nicely.

"What?" He repeated, but it was much more of a smile, and with that, she had turned her attention away to the street. If she couldn't speak to Romulus properly, then perhaps this will speak to his wolf.

"Amory." The way he had growled through gritted teeth still hadn't earned him any reaction, but Rhea knew deep down this is why he was favoring their idea of becoming partners.

His gaze soon became heated, fiery even, and if Rhea didn't have a taste of flames before, she would have coward.
She would've submitted it.
But she withheld her stance.

"Speak, Amory. You certainly will when we return back to the castle." She smirked, but only where her hair had covered the tilt. The bastard didn't know the lengths a petty female could take things.

There was a bit of guilt, given that Romulus had enough issues going on at his own forefront. But there was no excuse to be spoken like this.

She did not survive a Rogue King for this type of treatment, and until he recognizes that—He will be given a few of these lessons.

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