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Healer Rhea's POV
- Six Months Later -

There was a theory, that the feeling that's identified in the first few moments of waking up would be the tone for the day.

For Rhea on this very morning, a bird decided to chirp its entire life story just at the base of her windowsill and then some. But all she could do was allow a smile to blossom on her face—Yet as her eyes still hadn't adjusted, she turned to reach for the male beside her.

Only for the space to be empty.

Right—It would be empty from now on, and even with the weeks passing by her broken courtship, Rhea was still having difficulty not sleeping beside Alpha Stephan.
Though a part of them was always inevitable.

She was a missing Queen—A ghost—One that resurrected into a Healer with the bare minimum of blessed abilities. He was an Alpha male in one of the most powerful packs outside the Kingdom's walls.

It was not meant to be.

In the midst of her own self-pity, she turned to grab her favorite cane and made the given steps forward towards her built-in cabinet—A feature she's hardly had since her days at the farmhouse.

Nelo had taken to adding the finer details with the woodwork such as this, and Rhea couldn't be prouder. The lovable little male was doing his best with getting his name dedicated to his own creative outlet.

And Rhea couldn't help but remind him about his accomplishments every other day.

Nelo wasn't the only one who had grown with the months of joining the Red Moon pack.
Osmin had taken to becoming the Master of Arms, working right alongside Stephan, considering the previous wolf was close to retirement.

And it didn't hurt that Osmin had Enforcer training, it benefited his status, and for some reason that Rhea couldn't pinpoint—It seemed as though Stephan wanted to spit at the King's feet every other chance.

If anything, it was one of the many reasons that Rhea believed that she and Stephan did not work out—His hatred for the Kingdom and the rest of Romulus' monarchy had hurt.

Hurt in more ways than one.

As Rhea had gotten dressed for the day, wrapping her arms tightly with the normal binds and tying her hair to get the better half of her strains away from her face, she sighed in relief at tackling one of the more difficult tasks of the day.

Leaving the bed had become a challenge, as though something had conspired over.
A looming darkness that wanted to take over.

It left her with little motivation to build upon something that she could have only dreamed of in her previous life—To publish a healing manual. One that would share her findings and construct a basis for what healing focuses' on.
The patient.

Even now, the original manual was featured on her shelf, dozens of edited slips of parchment sticking out of it and then some. And she hadn't dared touch the damned thing when it was worth so much trouble.

Yet another smile graced her as she realized just how massively popular it had become—That Armund A.V was the creator of the wonderful masterpiece, as to keep her identity a secret, given that Rhea didn't want to be known so largely.

The entirety of the Red Moon pack had become very protective, hardly ever wanting her to leave the territory for even the smallest of an errand. She couldn't see the excitement for her findings and publishings outright, but the parcels of questions started to take a good part of her day, even if it was just reading the dozens of appreciation letters for being able to offer some support.

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