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Healer Rhea's POV

As the carriage had started to grow closer to the Kingdom, Romulus had decided to switch his seat to the one beside Rhea, and did his best to transfer her gently against his chest—Hoping not to disturb her too much. But he did not want her to miss her first return into the Kingdom, and thus, he whispered her name ever so softly into her ear.

Rhea, still being frightened by that name, had grown startled by the sudden weight around her—But Romulus settled her with ease. "Relax, I simply did not want you to miss it...We're nearing the gates as we speak." The childlike excitement had blossomed every so quickly as she pushed herself to the window, and of course, Clive had thrown his head back in laughter.

"Is it good to be home?" He questioned, but Rhea truly did not know if she supported that notion of calling it home. No, these walls haven't been her home for a while, and it nearly became apparent that she had lived outside them for nearly as long as she had been in them.

Yet as they neared the furthest point, away from the markets and constant strain of ventures of the sorts, Rhea had finally taken a glimpse of the beautiful sketched door. One that was seemingly replaced, considering the damage that it had sustained.

So when the carriage had come to a complete stop, Rhea truly had been frozen in time. There was hardly a reminder to breathe, not when her chest had already ached so loudly.

"Amory..." Romulus whispered, catching that her reaction to return was one of pain and agony. But the female had wiped away her tears and offered him a smile. "I'm alright."

"You do not have to hide those tears from me, 'mory. I understand them completely. It has been too long and I wish to give you the grand tour." That had earned him a laugh, one that he had pleasantly adored hearing as he stepped out and waved to the guards that had arrived to greet him.

And considering that Welhiem was not there to dish out his own words of unwarranted wisdom, Romulus had decided it was best not to harbor him on the secret.

It was poorly executed, however, given that Romulus hardly wanted to stray that far from Amory. And while it hadn't meant much to a human, it did make a bit of a spectacle to the wolf population lingering about.

And Rhea, being fairly known of the customs of the Lycan counterparts realized that she would be heading into the wolf den, literally.

Thus she had fallen short of a step, and Romulus instantly turned down to see what the trouble was, but she leaned upward and whispered that it would be best to stand with Ray and Clive.

Thus, the King agreed, reluctantly, but agreed.

The two were all well and full of smiles, especially considering that the reunion between the two and four of them had been a long time coming—Neither had known of the survival of the other, and it had been all but time limited.

Though Clive mentioned that he would not hesitate to visit Red Moon pack to see them again, Ray, on the other hand, was a bit more reserved but still held up a thankful expression that his friends were safe.

"Is it your wound?" Clive questioned, and Rhea shook her head as eyes started to dart this way and that towards her—Given that she smelled quite heavily of the King. Damn them and their perfect noses!

"No, it's about image. I'm a new councilwoman, remember?" The boy nodded, even if he still didn't understand the length of this charade, he would play along with it regardless.

"Does that mean we're the same rank now?" Clive leaned in between the two, and Rhea had to hide her giggles behind her hand. Course that caught Romulus' attention as he turned back with a curious gaze, but she simply smiled brighter—With reddening faces.

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