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Healer Rhea's POV

Keeping up with Ray had become a struggle for Rhea, and once the male had noticed the distance, he had turned entirely apologetic. "Nonsense, Ray. This night has exhausted me to no end...What is the issue?"

And an issue there certainly was, but it was aggravating at best. Considering someone had made an attempt to ruining the dessert presentation platters. It was comical at best that everything seemed to be happening, but what was worse was the sight of Markus at the back end of the kitchens.

Looking positively annoyed.

Rhea had directed a few of the cooks to gather up what could be survived and cut portions. If it meant designing a plate differently then so be it!

Her fear was making havoc as she approached her informant and he allowed himself the moment to laugh. "When I was told the back entrance near the kitchens, I wasn't prepared for this."
"No, it seems I'm incapable of running a smooth party without issue. What is it you've found?" Markus had picked up his attention before wrapping his arm around her, leading her just outside to where deliveries would normally be made.

"Whatever is left of the Rogue party, they're immobilizing—It's a fair number, should spark some worry if they keep gathering strength." Rhea knew that there would be an aftermath to what had happened, yet it was the worry about the Rogues knowing her title, her true heritage, that sparked a new sense of fear in her.

"And the funding? Were you able to see who might be supporting this?"
"Hard to say, but the donations are regular—Whatever is being planned, it will most likely have the resources needed...Disappearances have gone down, and that only means they're closing in on what they want." It seemed ominous, sure, but what did she expect from the leftover Rogues from that damned Kingdom.

With the troubling news, Rhea found herself feeling glum as she looked down at the floor. "I wasn't prepared for your arrival, but I appreciate you for being thorough and swift. I'll have Ray come and give you what you're owed...And perhaps a plate of food?" She caught just how thin the man had become in the timespan of—Had it really been a few weeks?

"Payday and a meal? I can't say no to that, ma'am." Rhea snorted as she lead him back into the kitchen and directed a free helper to gather up a plate for the gentleman beside her.

It hadn't taken another moment before she directed Ray to get up a bit of coin. Three and a half weeks of work into one shipment. And it was all worth it.

"I wouldn't worry too much, miss...The ones I followed aren't too competitive. Not when they're focusing their attention on pointless things. They flipped a wine carriage. Their directive is scattered at best." He claimed, hacking off a piece of his biscuit and nearly moaning in delight.

Rhea had felt herself smile at the thought of helping this man more than just throwing a bunch of coins in his direction. But ultimately paused at hearing this new information. "Did you say a wine carriage?"
"Hm, pointless, really. Damn near gave the driver a heart attack."
"Markus...I think that was the wine I ordered...why would they want to target it?" The question hadn't earned a proper response, not when Markus was working up his own theory.

Especially when he looked at the glass in hand. "Perhaps they had a different directive than destroy the shipment...I will go and look for a solution immediately—" Rhea, with the little strength she did have, had managed to keep the male in his seat by holding him down by the shoulder.

"No. You will finish your meal, stock away your funds and then get things situated. I will have to discuss this with my male before we take action." He nodded, but there was now a rather darkened wave of dread that lurked now that the incident a few days prior held a weight to it.

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