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Healer Rhea's POV

The festivities had ended all of an hour ago, and Rhea remained in the near-empty Ballroom watching as what had been such a loud and bustling crowd, now had a few dozen strangers who were starting to clean up the remains.

Carriages were already well set to return home the drunken guests, and if not, they were to remain in the readily prepared rooms in the castle. Though, that didn't stop the team from already tackling a big, if not the biggest trouble of them all. And it took to Romulus prying Rhea away to get her to see reason.

To see how absolutely exhausted she had become over these last few hours and days.

"I was hoping that we could enjoy a quiet moment alone together, but I believe you are due for a well-deserved bit of rest."
"Stay with me?" Rhea asked, wondering if he would want to--
"Always." He whispered against the crook of her neck, his breath teasing at her skin. And at any other time, she would be revived and ask for more of his attention. But not now, it seemed to grip at the ends of her vision that the moment she and Romulus had walked through the front doors of her apartments, she had already begun to take the first bit of her corset off.

"Considering we are still placating this lie, I'll be back in much more appropriate clothes, Lady Rhea. I bid you goodnight." She turned over towards him in utter confusion as she watched him bow his head and see himself out.

But the damned fool was already gone, as if anyone else in the castle was awake at a time like this!

Instead, Rhea had taken to pulling the damnable pins out of her hair and onto her dressing table. All while enjoying the warm rag prepared for her, an honest bit of relaxation that had always used to treat herself with.

Even when times were difficult and there was hardly any food to put into her stomach. It was this moment of warmth and gratitude that allowed her to think of something tempting.

Oh so very tempting.

Romulus most certainly had plans for them this evening, but it was ruined due to her inability to stand, much less speak in terms of conversation. No matter, after a quick rest she felt that she could transpire a male's fantasy.

With the plan rolling in her mind, she had found her bedtime routine had been lacking its usually thorough delicacy—But now her biggest goal was to scrub the makeup off and get under the covers before Romulus could return through the wall.

It was a foolish idea, but she had hope that he would be equally as tempted if not more. But it wouldn't happen until she had taken at least a comfort nap.

Tonight had been a roaring success. Many of the guests had said so in their drunken state, and perhaps it was the absolute high she had been stricken with, but she was now perched at the end of her bed—Catching the first glimpse of the wall moving forward.

Romulus stood there in his full glory, and the goddess blessed him so easily in her moonlight. Outlining his beautiful frame and features, yet his eyes pierced through to hers.

As if he knew what she was thinking.

Could he read her mind?

In the fashioned robe well over the better half of his chest, he came forward and allowed his arms to wrap around her and press her against him. A kiss laid against her temple, and she could already feel the smile he was trying to hide.

"I would've thought you'd be well in bed by now."
"I had a thought."
"Oh? Shall I get a candle ready at your desk?" It had caused her to smile and let out a nervous bit of laughter. How was it that he could act so effortlessly thoughtful?

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