Gasket x Rex | Ruff-Ruff Love in the Dino Wilds

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(scene opens to the Lookout where the Paw Patrol are eagerly preparing for a trip to the Dino Wilds)

Skye: It'll be good seeing Rex again!

Chase: It sure will!

Sound: (gulp)

Skye and Chase: What was that?

(the twosome look back to find a stuffed Mirage lying on her side)

Skye: Mirage, when did you get here?

Mirage: We just arrived!

Chase: (confused) We?

(Stormy and Snowflake walk out from behind their cousin)

Stormy and Snowflake: Hi guys!

Skye: Hi girls! (curiously) So Mirage, who's in your tummy?

Marshall's voice: I am!

Skye: (giggles) Mirage got you while you weren't looking, didn't she Marshall?

Marshall's voice: (embarrassed) Hehe, yeah!

Mirage: I'll just let you out buddy! (opens her chest like a door revealing Marshall inside)

Marshall: I can see the light of day again!

Mirage: You can come out buddy!

Marshall: (walks out of Mirage's tummy) Thanks Mirage!

Mirage: Your welcome buddy! (closes her chest door which changes her body back to normal)

Skye: (chuckles) You sure are one fun friend to have around!

Marshall: (chuckles) Yeah!

Ryder: (walks over) Hi girls!

Stormy, Mirage, and Snowflake: Hi Ryder!

Ryder: So what are you up to girls?

Mirage: Ryder, I wanted to ask if we could join you on your trip to the Dino Wilds?

Stormy: (nods) After our cousins told us about it, we kinda wanted to check it out too! If that'd be okay with you guys?

Snowflake: Pretty please?

Ryder: (chuckles) You girls can come, but can't you teleport?

Mirage: (nods) But it's also fun to ride with friends!

Marshall: (chuckles) She's got a point there Ryder!

(the pups enter the Dino Patroller)

Sound: (motorcycle engines)

Mirage: (looks back as everyone else gets into the Dino Patroller) Hm?

Ryder: (walks out) Is something wrong Mirage?

Mirage: (unsure) I thought I heard something?

(Ryder and Mirage walk into the Dino Patroller together)

(scene changes to the Ruff-Ruff Pack including Sandy on the opposite side of the Lookout)

Hubcap: Dino Wilds eh, sounds like a good place to cause wheel trouble!

Dwayne: I wonder why it's called that?

Sandy: It's got dinosaurs!

Gasket: (surprised) How'd you know that?

Sandy: Mason kindly gave me a tour of it last week!

Dwayne: Cool!

Hubcap: (scoffs) Whatever! Let's just follow those pesky pups to find the Dino Wilds!

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