Marshall x Everest + Ella | Paw Patrol against Mirage's Sports Day Squad

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(scene opens to Marshall, Everest, and Ella training on the sports field for sports day alongside several members Mirage's family while the others watch)

Ella: It's nice that you girls could join us!

Everest: Yeah! (giggles)

Everest and Ella: (swoons upon seeing Marshall practice) He's so handsome!

Mirage: (walks over) (pretends to swoon) Yeah, I'm so glad he proposed to me today!

Everest and Ella: (surprised) (shouts) What!?

Marshall: (walks over) Girls, did you say something?

Everest: Marshall, how could you marry Mirage today!?

Ella: (confused) Yeah!?

Everest and Ella: I thought you loved me!

Marshall: (blushing) (confused) What are you girls talking about, I never proposed to anyone?

Mirage: (giggles) I was just teasing you guys, but I sure got you both good!

Everest and Ella: (blushes) Sorry Marshall!

Marshall: (hugs Everest and Ella) (chuckles) I understand guys, Mirage really knows how to be very convincing!

Everest and Ella: (blushes) Yeah!

Hex: (walks over with her three cousins) My cousin/sister really knows how to be funny at times!

Mirage: You're right, sis!

Everest and Ella: (chuckles) Nice one, Mirage!

Mayor Goodway: (runs and gets behind Mirage's group) Pups, there's a red lizard and with a pup on its back coming this way!

(the lizard man walks over carrying Frostbite in its arms)

Mason's voice: Why do people keep thinking my komodo dragon suit is a lizard man?

Pups: Mason!

Mayor Goodway: (embarrassed) Sorry about that Mason!

(flash of light and Mason is in his normal attire but still has Frostbite in his arms)

Frostbite: (coughs) Hi guys!

Marshall: (concerned) Frostbite, are you okay?

Mason: She's got a little cold, but she's refusing to rest since she wants to see her genie pup buddies train alongside the Paw Patrol!

Marshall: Frostbite you should be resting in a cozy bed, not outside!

Frostbite: (sneezes above Marshall before a snowman magically appears nearby)

Everest: (surprised) Whoa! An instant snowman!

Frostbite: (covers her mouth with her arm) (sneezes repeatedly)

Mason: Frostbite, I told you that you'd be able to watch from home!

Frostbite: (shakes head) I refuse to rest!

Blizzard: (walks over) (firmly) Frostbite, this is your mother telling you that you're getting some rest!

(scene changes to Blizzard now carrying Frostbite on her back)

Blizzard: Sweetie, you need to rest! Besides, we can watch the show from home!

Frostbite: (sighs) Okay, mommy!

Mirage and her cousins: Get well soon, Frostbite!

Others: Get well soon!

Frostbite: (sighs) I really wanted to watch the event in person!

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