Rocky x Everest & Chase x Gasket | The Double Dating Huskies

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Rocky is nuzzling Everest while Chase is doing the same thing with Gasket)

Everest: I'm lucky to have a dear boyfriend like you, Rocky!

Rocky: (chuckles) I'm glad to have a girlfriend like you, Everest!

Gasket: Well Chase and I are lucky to love each other more than anything!

Chase: (nods) I agree, my love!

Everest: (has an idea) hey guys what do you think about us going on a double date?

Gasket: I love the idea!

Rocky and Chase: Sure!

Gasket: But where can we go on our double date?

Everest: Why not Mr. Porter's cafe?

Rocky: That sounds like a great idea Everest! (kisses her on the cheek)

Everest: (giggles) Aww, thanks Sweetie!

Sweetie: (walks over) Did someone call my name?

Chase and Rocky: (surprised) Sweetie what are you doing here?

Sweetie: (Mirage's voice) (giggles) It's me guys! (unzips to reveal Mirage wearing a Sweetie costume)

Pups: Mirage!

Gasket: (chuckles) Nice on buddy!

Mirage: (smiles) You know how much I enjoy doing magic!

Everest: Yeah! Your family are some of the best magic users I know!

Mirage: Thanks Everest! So are all you guys double dating?

All four: (blushes) (shyly) Yes!

Mirage: (smiles) Congratulations guys!

Gasket: Hey Mirage, just out of curiosity but where would you go if you were with three others on a double date?

Mirage (pulls a list out of her fur) First we'd do an activity together, then we'd have lunch or dinner somewhere, and finally we'd watch the sunset together!

Everest: I kinda like that idea! (looks at the others) Why don't we do that guys?

Others: Sure!

Marshall: (shouts) Lookout! (rolls right toward them)

Pups: Uh oh!

Mirage: Hi Marshall!

(Marshall collides with Mirage causing both to go flying)

Marshall and Mirage: (both land) Oof!

Marshall: Guys, why did it get so dark all of a sudden? Also when did it suddenly become so wet?

Everest: Should someone tell Marshall his head and front legs are in Mirage's mouth?

Gasket: Marshall you're kinda in Mirage's mouth!

Marshall: (realizes) Ooh! So that's why it's dark and moist!

Sound: (gulp)

(Mirage swallowed Marshall whole)

Mirage: (pants) Yum!

Marshall: (calmly) She just swallowed me didn't she?

Pups: Yep!

Mirage: Sorry Marshall, I couldn't resist since you were in that position!

Marshall: That's okay Mirage, it's kinda comfy in your tummy! (yawns)

Mirage: (giggles) You're welcome to stay, long as you'd like!

Marshall: (asleep) (snoring)

Mirage: (confused) Marshall?

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