Chase x Coral | A Troubled Romance

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(scene opens to Adventure Beach where Chase is looking out into the bay)

Chase: (sighs) How I wish we could be together my love!

Sound: (footsteps)

Chase: Who's there? (looks back to find Mason wearing a creature suit he doesn't recognize) Oh Mason it's just you!

Mason: Yep!

Chase: Just wondering but what are you wearing?

Mason: This ones an osprey suit!

Chase: (confused) Osprey?

(Mirage and Melody walk over)

Melody: Dear, you know what a pelican is right?

Chase: Yep!

Melody: Well, an osprey is another bird that hunts for fish! (explains how ospreys hunt fish)

Chase: (intrigued) I have to admit that's kinda cool! (looks at Mason) So what are you doing with osprey powers?

Mason: I plan to try fishing like an osprey! (takes flight)

Chase: Hm? (watches Mason fly off)

Melody: So you wishing to see Coral again?

Chase: (blushes) You knew I was thinking about here?

Melody: Well Chase, she is the only pup on the Paw Patrol we know that lives underwater in Puplantis so far!

Chase: (nods) I admit that I love her!

Mirage: That's so sweet!

Melody: (nods)

(scene changes to the water above Puplantis where Coral on her back above water)

Coral: (sighs) How I wish I could see Chase again! That brave, heroic pups really impressed this little Mer-Pup! (notices a big bird flying overhead) What's that?

(the big bird does an aerial dive preparing its talons)

Coral: (eyes widen) Wait! Is it coming for me! (scared) Yipe!

(the big bird strikes, snatching Coral in its talons)

Mason's voice: Yes! I caught a dog fish!

Coral: (realizes) I know that voice? Mason!

Mason: (looks down) Coral! (embarrassed) Sorry about the mix up I was just fishing!

Coral: What are you wearing?

Mason: An osprey suit! Hang on, I'll let you go!

Coral: (eyes widen) (has an idea) Wait a second, Mason can you fly me to Adventure Bay?

Mason: Sure! (confused) But why?

Coral: (blushes) I kinda wanna see someone close to me!

Mason: Skye or the pup you have a crush on Chase?

Coral: Who told you that!? (blushes) I mean I don't have a crush on Chase!

Mason: Just something I overheard from a friend! (chuckles) But sure, I'll be glad to fly you back!

Coral: Thank you!

(Mason flies back to Adventure Bay in his osprey suit while carrying Coral with his talons)

(scene changes to Adventure Beach where Chase still looks out into the bay)

Chase: (sighs)

Mirage: Don't worry Chase, I'm sure Coral might be coming sooner than you think!

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