Tuck x Ella | Siblings Become Lovers

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(scene opens to Tuck and Ella out for a peaceful drive together in the desert while it was cloudy)

Tuck: It sure is a nice idea to come out here, sis!

Ella: It sure was bro!

Tuck: So wanna race?

Ella: (chuckles) Gladly bro!

(the twosome ride off side by side)

(scene changes to the twosome having fun on their motorcycles)

Ella: Bet I'm faster than you!

Tuck: (chuckles) I bet I am!

Ella: (looks ahead) Say, that rock kinda looks like Mirage?

Tuck: (surprised) Really? Which one?

Ella: That purple one right ahead of us! (points)

Tuck: (looks ahead) Ooh! It does look like Mirage! It's so life-like!

Ella: Yeah!

(Ella and Tuck realize they're driving right toward it)

Ella and Tuck: (eyes widen) Uh oh!

(the twosome crash into the rock and get catapulted off their motorcycles)

Ella: Whoa! (lands her back) Oof! I'm okay!

Tuck: (comes flying toward her) Lookout! (crashes into Ella causing their lips to connect)

Ella and Tuck: Oof! (blushing) Whoa!

Tuck: You okay, sis?

Ella: (blushes) I'm okay! How about you bro?

Tuck: (blushes) I'm fine!

Ella: I can't believe that rock didn't even budge an inch, while we got catapulted or our motorcycles!

Tuck: (nods) Yeah! (suddenly kissed on the lips by Ella) (surprised) Ella?

Ella: (gets off Tuck) I'm so sorry bro, I was kinda in a moment!

Tuck: (blushes) Any reason you kissed me?

Ella: (blushes) I admit after that accidental kiss we had, I could resist another!

Tuck: (blushes) Um... okay?

Sound: (yawning)

Tuck: Was that you sis?

Ella: (shakes head) It wasn't me bro, was it you?

Tuck: (shakes head) Nope!

Ella and Tuck: (confused) Then who was it yawning?

Sound: (yawning)

Female voice: Hi guys, what are you doing here?

(Ella and Tuck look back to find a dusty Mirage)

Ella: Mirage, what are you doing here?

Mirage: (stretches) I was just taking a nap until two motorcycles hit my back!

Tuck: (realizes) So that wasn't a rock that looked like you, it was you!

Mirage: (nods) Yep! (feels her back) Ooh!

Ella: (concerned) Is something wrong, are you hurt?

Mirage: Nope! I think the motorcycles hitting my back straightened it!

Ella: So you okay?

Mirage: (smiles and nods)

Tuck: That's good to know!

Mirage: So did I miss anything?

Ella and Tuck: (shouts) No!

Mirage: Hm? That sounds suspicious!

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