Marshall x Everest x Rocky x Gasket | Imposters Among Us

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(scene open to Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger bickering while their pets watch)

Mayor Humdinger: I say Foggy Bottom is better than Adventure Bay!

Mayor Goodway: Well Adventure Bay is better than Foggy Bottom!

Mailman: (walks over) Excuse me, Mayor Humdinger?

Mayor Humdinger: (confused) Yes, my good man?

Mailman: I've got a letter addressed for you but not sure who's it from!

Mayor Humdinger: Oh! Thank you! (handed the letter)

Mailman: You're welcome, well I'm off to make more deliveries! (walks back to his mail truck)

Mayor Humdinger: (curiously) I wonder who sent this? (opens the letter to find something he never expected) (surprised) (happily) Wow!

Mayor Goodway: (confused) What?

Mayor Humdinger: (cheers) Someone sent me eight first class tickets for Hawaii! (gasps) And provided luxury rooms for me, my kittens, and one guest in a luxury hotel for one month!

Kitten Catastrophe Crew: (excited meows)

Mason: (walks past) Sounds like someone really likes you guys!

Mayor Humdinger: (cheers) (excitedly) Come along kittens, I want to invite Hummy Mummy to join us!

(the seven race with making sure not to lose those tickets)

Ryder: (walks over) Mayor Goodway, where's Mayor Humdinger going?

Mayor Goodway: Would you believe someone sent Mayor Humdinger eight first class tickets to Hawaii and somehow got him and seven others luxury rooms!

Ryder: (surprised) Whoa! That's something you don't hear everyday!

Mayor Goodway: (curiously) I wonder who would do that?

(scene changes to Mason outside Foggy Bottom speaking into his phone)

Mason: Thanks again for doing all this Savvy!

Savvy's voice: No problem dad, this was easy as cake, plus with our endless fortune it wasn't too difficult to get those luxury rooms for Mayor Humdinger's group!

Mason: Thanks again sweetie!

Savvy's voice: No problem dad see you later!

Mason: Bye!

(both hang up)

(scene changes to outside Mayor Humdinger's lair with Harold, Mayor Humdinger, his kittens and Helga Humdinger)

Helga Humdinger: Oh Hummy Gummy, I was so touched you invited me to join you and the kittens for a vacation in Hawaii for a month at a luxury hotel!

Mayor Humdinger: I'm happy you could join us, Hummy Mummy!

Harold: Uncle Mayor, how did you get those luxury tickets anyway?

Mayor Humdinger: (shrugs) I got them in the mail just today! No idea who even sent them!

Helga Humdinger: Well whoever sent them must be really sweet!

Mayor Humdinger: Okay Harold remember I asked you to watch my lair until we get back understood?

Harold: No worries uncle, I can handle watching you lair in my free time for a month!

Helga Humdinger: Now you stay outta trouble sweetie!

Harold: (sighs) Okay Grandma Helga! (hugs her goodbye before she departs with her son and kittens)

Harold: Still, who would send my uncle eight luxury tickets to Hawaii? And not nine so he could bring along too!

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