Sweetie & Gasket | Sweetie Switcheroo

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(scene opens Barkingburg where Sweetie and the princess are out for a peaceful stroll not knowing Gasket was spying on them)

Princess of Barkingburg: Today is such a lovely day for a peaceful stroll, wouldn't you agree Sweetie?

Sweetie: Meh! (eye rolls) It's not that good to me!

Princess of Barkingburg: I'm sure you'll enjoy it or maybe not!

(the twosome unknowingly walk past Gasket who is hiding in a nearby alley behind a trash can)

Gasket: (quietly to self) Spoiled royal pup, I bet I could do better if I were the princesses precious poochie! (sighs) If only there was a way!

(flash of light only noticed by Gasket)

Gasket: What's that? (looks back to find a small package) What's this? (looks at the package to find it's addressed to her) Who sent this? (notices a symbol instead of a name) (realizes) (to self) Mirage showed me that image, she said it was from the elemental brawlers she hangs out with!

Gasket: (opens the package to find three things) Whoa! (pulls out the Moby Morpher, stretchy stomach storage bracelet, and magical petite belt before the package goes poof leaving the items behind)

Gasket: (curiously) I wonder who would send these? I know Mirage would've brought something like these in person, but who would do this? (realizes a plan involving all three items)

Gasket: (chuckles) Whoever sent this stuff sure was creative, since I can use these two magical items to hold the royal pup inside my belly without anyone even knowing. Plus I can use the Moby Morpher to look exactly like Sweetie! (looks at herself) Better find a place to hide my motorcycle and biker suit!

(scene changes to Gasket exiting some bushes near the tournament area)

Gasket: All my stuff should be safe here! (unsure) I just hope nobody finds my belongings and discovers my switcheroo! (runs off with only the Moby Morpher, stretchy stomach storage bracelet, and magical petite belt on her body)

(scene switches to Sweetie separating from the princess for personal time)

Sweetie: Now that I'm by myself, nobody will stop me from taking the crown for myself!

Gasket's voice: Think again spoiled pup!

(Gasket walks out from her hiding spot)

Sweetie: (surprised) Gasket! What are you doing in Barkingburg? (notices the Moby Morpher) How did you acquire the Moby Morpher? Mason and his elemental brawler associates keep it?

Gasket: (shrugs) Guess one of the elemental brawlers wanted to help me out and kindly sent this magic stuff over!

Sweetie: What do you want any...? (pinned by Gasket) (surprised) What are you doing!?

Gasket: (takes Sweetie's collar and tiara off her) You won't be needing these where I'm putting you!

Sweetie: (annoyed) Where would that be?

Gasket: Where nobody will find you and I can keep you close! (licks her lips)

Sweetie: (eyes widen) (realizes) (unable or flee) Don't eat me!

Gasket: (eye rolls) Oh calm down, this special bracelet I've got on will ensure you won't be digested! (opens her mouth forcing Sweetie's head inside)

Sweetie: (muffled screaming) Let me outta here!

(scene focus on the wall show with silhouettes of Gasket as she slowly swallows a struggling Sweetie whole)

(scene changes to Gasket with an enlarged belly)

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