Wild x Rory | Rory Kidnapped

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(scene opens to Wild and Rory driving to the Lookout in their Cat Pack vehicles)

Pups: (come outside) (excited) Hi guys!

Wild: (chuckles) It's great seeing you guys again!

Rory: (giggles) Yeah!

(a ball of fur rolls toward them)

Marshall: Lookout! A big fur ball is coming this way!

Wild and Rory: (look back) Where'd that come from?

(fur ball stops in front of them before revealing itself to be Elastica)

Pups: (surprised) Elastica!

Elastica: (giggles) The one and only!

Rory: Good seeing you again!

Elastica: You too Cat Pack or is it a pair of cats?

Wild: (chuckles) I guess either one would work!

Skye: So Elastica, did you come for a visit?

Elastica: (nods) I wanted to spend time with my buddies, if that's okay?

Skye and Rubble: Of course!

(scene switches to a nearby tree)

The Copycat: Haha! Those pesky pup have no idea I'm spying on them! (notices Rory) (love at first sight) Ooh! She's so beautiful! (drools upon seeing her)

(scene switches back to the group having fun)

Marshall: This is fun!

Skye: Even better since Elastica is magically throwing balls we can all fetch!

Elastica: (sniffs the air) Hm?

Rory: Something wrong Elastica?

Elastica: I smell a third cat!

Chase: (walks over) But the only ones here are Wild and Rory?

Wild and Rory: Yeah?

Elastica: (sniffs the source of the scent) (points a paw at under a tree) (shouts) It's in this one!

The Copycat: (leaps down landing on Elastica) Haha! (shouts) The Copycat is back!

Pups: (gasp) The Copycat!

Wild and Rory: (confused) Who?

The Copycat: (uses super speed and snatches Rory) I gotcha!

Rory: Hey!

Wild: (shouts) Let her go!

The Copycat: No way! She's coming with me! (races off with Rory)

Rory: (shouts) Help!

Marshall: (walks over to Elastica) You okay Elastica?

Elastica: (shakes her head) He just caught me off guard!

Wild: Pups we need to save Rory! Also can you please tell me about this Copycat?

Ryder: (runs over) Don't worry Wild! The Mighty Pups will save her! (contacts team) Mighty Pups to the Lookout! You too Wild!

Pups and Wild: (shouts) Ryder needs us!

(scene changes to the Lookout transforming and the team approaching Ryder)

Chase: Mighty Pups ready for action, Ryder sir!

Wild: Me too Ryder!

Ryder: Thanks guys, we all saw that The Copycat kidnapped Rory!

(Elastica walks forward)

Skye and Zuma: (look back) Elastica?

Elastica: Ryder! When that bad kitty landed on me I was able to read his mind without him even knowing!

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