Rocky x Gasket | Ginger's Adopted Son

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(scene changes to Fungus eagerly wolfing down on stuff in the compost bin outside Mr. Porter's cafe while Gasket watches)

Gasket: Fungus, why did we come here exactly?

Fungus: (crawls out of the bin with an enlarged stomach) Sorry mom, I just needed fuel for my fungal motorcycle!

Gasket: By eating it? (remembers) Oh right! You transfer the energy into it!

Mirage: (walks over) Hi Gasket! What are you doing here?

Gasket: Nice seeing you Mirage, I'm just waiting for Fungus to finish!

(Fungus walks over with a normal sized stomach)

Fungus: Mom, I refueled the motorcycle and we're ready to roll!

Gasket: (chuckles) Nice!

Mirage: Mind if we talk in the desert?

Gasket: (nods) Sure Mirage! But first! (hugs Mirage)

Mirage: (hugs back) (chuckles) I enjoy it when we hug!

Gasket: (smiles) Me too! (looks around) Why didn't anyone complain about us?

Fungus: No worries mum, my sleep spores have everyone asleep for several minutes!

Gasket: Nice son! But we'd best get going! (Fungus nods before they ride off on his special motorcycle)

(scene changes to the desert where Mirage meets up with Gasket and Fungus)

Mirage: (concerned) Are you okay, Gasket?

Gasket: (sighs) It's just I haven't been able to date Rocky as often!

Mirage: Everything okay?

(a gila monster fist punches through the ground)

Pups: (surprised) What is that!?

(Mason climbs out of the ground wearing a gila monster suit)

Mason: Hi guys!

Gasket: (calms down) Mason, it's only you!

Mason: Yep! So Gasket, what's the reason you can't date Rocky?

Gasket: (surprised) You heard that from underground?

Mason: (nod) Yep!

Gasket: Getting away from Hubcap and Dwayne is even easier thanks to Fungus, (sighs) but when I arrive Rocky tells me he's busy and we can't date!

Mirage: (gasps) We should have a word with him!

Fungus: Mom, I wanted to ask you something?

Gasket: (calmly) What is it Fungus?

Fungus: Would you mind me doing a trick like yours?

Gasket: Ginger?

Fungus: (nods)

Gasket: Can you show me, sweetie?

Fungus: (changes appearance)

Mirage and Gasket: Whoa! You look like a normal pup and related to Ginger!

Fungus: Thanks guys, I wasn't sure of a name so I just picked Faucet!

Mason: Very interesting choice! By the way, why are you guys in the swamp?

Gasket: (curiously) Mason, this is a desert?

Mason: (looks around) (facepalms himself) I knew I took a wrong turn at Foggy Bottom!

Gasket: Why were you looking for the swamp anyway?

Mason: I was planning to scare the Turbots with a lizard man trick!

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