Zuma x Gasket | A Surfer Pups Love

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(scene opens to Adventure Beach where a big surfing contest is being held today)

Zuma: (excited) Oh boy there's gonna be an awesome surfing contest today!

Ryder: (chuckles) I'm glad you excited Zuma, I know you'll do your best!

Everest and Marshall: (walk over together) Us too!

Ryder: (surprised) Really, Marshall?

Marshall: I am eager to at least try my best!

Everest: For me surfing is similar to snowboarding but on the water!

Ryder: You have a fair point!

Mayor Goodway: It will be a great event with many good surfers joining to win the surfing trophy!

(Mirage and an undressed Gasket walk over)

Ryder: (looks back) Pups it looks like trouble might be here!

Mayor Goodway: (annoyed) Go away Gasket!

Gasket: (whimpers) (gets behind Mirage)

Mayor Goodway: Please leave!

Mirage: (snarls at Mayor Goodway)

Mayor Goodway: Yipe! (falls on her bottom)

(Ryder and pups rush over helping Mayor Goodway back on her feet)

Mayor Goodway: What was that for Mirage?!

Mirage My friend is allowed to join!

Mayor Goodway: Says who?

Mirage: You!

Mayor Goodway: (confused) Me? How?

Mirage: Mom told me how you were letting everyone participate no matter who they were!

Mayor Goodway: (gasps) B-B-B-B-B-But? Why did I say that! (facepalms herself)

Everest: So you were only defending one of your friends?

Mirage: (nods) Yes!

Gasket: Besides! I took off my gear so I could surf fairly!

Zuma: (looks at Gasket) (blushing) Um?

Mirage: (reads Zuma's mind) Ooh! I didn't know you felt that way about ...

Zuma: (realizes) ... Surfing!

Mirage: (looks at Zuma) Really?

Zuma: (pleading eyes toward Mirage)

Mirage: Okay, I'll keep that to myself!

Zuma: Phew!

Marshall: What was she talking about Zuma?

Zuma: (blushing) Let's just say she read my mind, learning what I was thinking about something!

Mirage: More like someone!

Zuma: Dude! Please don't say I have a crush on Gasket! (realizes) (covers his mouth)

Gasket: (surprised) Me?

Zuma: (sighs) I admit you look really pretty without your gear on!

Gasket: (blushes) Aww, that's so sweet! (kisses his cheek)

Zuma: (blushes) Um?

Gasket: (blushes) Later handsome! (walks off with Mirage)

Ryder: You okay buddy?

Zuma: (nods) I'm okay Ryder I was just surprised by that kiss from a pretty pup!

Hex: (walks over with a familiar object in her mouth) (muffled) Hi guys!

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