Chase x Ella | Adventure Bay Swarmed

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(scene opens Harold humdinger finding another meteor piece outside his uncle's lair)

Harold: (gets zapped) Yes, my powers are back!

Mayor Humdinger: (runs past being chased by a bee) (scared) Get away from me you bee!

Harold: Hm? (has an idea) That's it, I'll create robot bees to invade Adventure Bay and chase everyone out so I can take over!

(Harold walks into the lair getting into his super villain suit)

Mayor Humdinger: (runs past still being chased) (scared) Someone help me!

Venus: (peaceful walks over until Mayor Humdinger trips on her)

Both: Oof!

Mayor Humdinger: (notices who he tripped on) Oops! Sorry about that Venus, (points) (scared) Bee!

Venus: (raises her paw before the bee lands in it enabling her to gently pet it) (calmly) Time to go home little bee!

Bee: (nods before peacefully leaving)

Mayor Humdinger: (hugs Venus) Thank you so much Venus for making that scary bee leave!

Venus: Why was it chasing you?

Mayor Humdinger: (embarrassed) I might've tried swatting it!

Venus: I can see why it was chasing you now!

Mayor Humdinger: Say Venus, to show my thanks would you like to join me and the kittens for lunch at Mr. Porters cafe?

Venus: (nods) That sounds nice!

(the group walks off)

Sound: (buzzing)

(a swarm of realistic robot bees fly out of the lair)

Harold: (evil laughs) With these several robot bee making bee hives nobody can stop me this time! Plus with this hive mind controller they'll obey me!

(scene change to the beach where Ella and Tuck are visiting their friends)

Ella: This is so much fun!

Tuck: It sure is sis!

Chase: It's nice that both of you could come!

Ella: (blushes) Thanks Chase!

Tuck: (playfully) Ella, do you have a crush on Chase?

Ella: (blushing) What makes you think that bro?

Tuck: Well you are blushing!

Ella: (sighs) (looks at Chase then Tuck) I admit I do love him!

Tuck: Then go tell him!

Chase: (blushing) Did you say you loved me Ella?

Ella: (nods) I love you with all my heart, Chase!

Chase: (blushes) Well I must admit I love you too!

Ella: (playfully pins him on his back before kissing him on the lips) (blushes) Sorry, I was... (Chase kisses her on the lips)

Chase: (chuckles) I loved it, as much as I love you Ella!

Ella: (nuzzles Chase)

Other Pups: (in awe) That's so cute!

Marshall: (looks over) Say is that Mason and Hex?

(Mason and Hex walk toward the group)

Hex: Hi guys!

Marshall: Hi Hex, nice seeing you!

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