Duke of Flappington vs Puplantis | The Duke in Puplantis

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(scene opens to the Duke of Flappington's latest failure of taking over Barkingburg with Claw, Sparks, and Jean-Claude beside him)

Duke of Flappington: (annoyed) I can't believe those meddling Rescue Knight ruined another one of my brilliant schemes!

Claw: Just curious but why are we trying for Barkingburg?

Duke of Flappington: (embarrassed) Actually I never really thought about other kingdoms!

Claw: So why don't we try taking another throne!

Duke of Flappington: Not a bad idea Claw! But where?

(Hex walks past with Moby and McSquidly beside her)

Moby: You were right Hex, Barkingburg looks just as good as Puplantis!

Hex: I thought you'd like a chance to visit, (giggles) just remember to stay outta trouble and stick with me so nobody jumps to conclusions!

Moby: Sure thing Hex!

McSquidly: (nods)

Duke of Flappington: (overhears) What is this Puplantis place you speak of?

Moby: (confused) Who are you?

Hex: (glares) That's the Duke of Flappington!

Moby: (confused) Who?

Hex: (whispers to Moby what she knows about the Duke of Flappington)

Moby: Oh, okay Hex!

Duke of Flappington: I demand you tell me about this Puplantis place!

Moby: No way, I'm not telling a spoiled brat like you! (looks at Hex) That's what you said to use right?

Hex: (giggles) Yep! Nice one Moby!

Duke of Flappington: (annoyed) Tell me now or I'll make Sparks us his fire!

Hex: (eye rolls) I'm a genie pup you pose no threat to me! (licks lips) In fact I'm getting hungry and I always wondered what you four tasted like!

Duke of Flappington: (eyes widen) (screams) Run!

(the foursome run away from Hex)

Moby: (looks at Hex) (confused) Um?

Hex: (giggles) I was just bluffing to scare them off!

Moby: (chuckles) Nice one Mirage!

McSquidly: (claps for Hex)

Hex: Thanks guys!

(scene changes to the beach where the foursome arriving while panting)

Duke of Flappington: (relieved) Phew! We got away from her!

Claw: Duke, how do we know she wasn't just bluffing?

Duke of Flappington: (sighs) We don't know!

Sound: (splashing)

Claw: What was that?

Female voice: Excuse me but can you help?

(the group looks over finding a pup with a fish tail)

Claw: (shocked) My word! Why do you have a fish tail!

Female pup: I'm a Mer-pup silly, and my name is Coral!

Claw: Mer-pup? I thought they were legends?

Coral: Nope we're real! Say, have you seen this pup named Moby and his friend McSquidly?

Duke of Flappington: Would that squid be yellow and with the genie pup Hex?

Coral: (facepalms) I should've known Hex might be involved!

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