Chase x Gasket | Chase the Ruff-Ruff Pup

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(previously on Paw Patrol "Amnesiac Chase" the scene opens to Gasket and Chase are still kissing in front of a cactus field while Mirage watches)

Mirage: (giggles) You two are still so cute together!

Chase and Gasket: Thanks Mirage!

Chase: (sighs) It's too bad we can't stay together like this?

Gasket: (sighs) Yeah!

Mirage: Why not?

Gasket: He's a good police pup while I'm a bad biker one!

Mirage: I still don't see why you can't be together?

Chase: (nuzzles Gasket) I wish there was a way for me to be with you my love!

Mirage: Why not pretend to go rogue and join the Ruff-Ruff Pack as an undercover pup?

Chase and Gasket: (confused) Huh?

Mirage: It's easy, try to fake a fight with one of your friends and make it appear as if you really hurt them!

Chase: Mirage, I don't think I have the heart to do that with my friends after all!

Mirage: (shrugs) I'm just saying it was a way of you two being together!

(human sized gila monster hands burst out of the ground snatching Mirage)

Mirage: (startled) Yipe! (pulled underground by those hands

Gasket and Chase: (gasps) Mirage!

(what appears to be the skeletal remains of Mirage are put back on the surface)

Gasket: (cries) No! Not Mirage, she was my dearest friend!

Sound: (footsteps approaching)

Mirage's voice: I feel the same way about you Gasket!

Gasket and Chase: (look over to find Mirage standing beside Mason who is wearing a gila monster suit) (confused) Huh?

Mirage: We sure fooled you two by making it look like a lizard man ate me up and spat out my bones!

Chase: Wait, then where'd this husky skeleton come from?

Mason: (picks it up and Mirage makes it go poof) Just one of many I just happened to have on hand!

Gasket: Was that real?

Mason: It was plastic!

Gasket: Very realistic then!

Chase: I agree! (nuzzles Gasket)

Mason: You know, I might have a way of making it look like you've gone rogue!

Chase: (confused) How?

Mason: First tell Ryder, about the plan so he won't be upset!

(Mason then whispers his plan to Chase, Gasket, and Mirage)

(scene changes to the Lookout where Chase talks to Ryder)

Ryder: I have to admit Chase, that idea Mirage has was very impressive, plus I know about your crush on Gasket! (chuckles)

Chase: (blushes) How'd you know that!?

Ryder: Mason called to tell me about your love with Gasket! But I know you'll be okay!

Chase: I sure hope Mason knows what he's doing?

Ryder: Knowing Mason, he'll make it look very convincing!

(scene changes to Mason showing off to the pups in his black bear suit until Chase aggressively walks over while the Ruff-Ruff Pack secretly watches)

Hubcap: (annoyed) What are we doing here again Gasket?

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