Skye x Chase and Coral x Tuck | Cockapoos Love a Hero

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Tuck and Ella eagerly arrive where their friends happily greet them)

Pups: Tuck, Ella! So great to see you two!

Ella: (giggles) It's nice to be back for a visit!

Tuck: Yeah!

Skye: (remembers) Oh!

Ella: Something wrong Skye?

Skye: Actually my cousin Coral is coming to visit us too!

Tuck: It'll be nice to see Coral again!

Ella: (giggles) I know exactly why you're happy to see her again!

Sound: (motorcycle)

(the group look back to find Coral arriving in her seahorse sub)

Coral: (waves) Hi guys!

Skye: Hi cuz! It's great seeing you again so soon! (realizes) Wait, if you're here then what about Puplantis?

Coral: (giggles) I asked a friend to look after it!

(scene changes to Puplantis where Moby and McSquidly in the Moby Mobile are being carried away by Mariana in her leviathan pup form)

Moby: I can't believe Coral convinced Mariana and Pearl to guard Puplantis while she went to visit her friends in Adventure Bay!

(the trio arrives on Junk Island where Mariana gently sets the Moby Mobile down and magically reverts to her mer-pup form)

Moby: (sighs) How did she convince you to do this?

Mariana: Nothing personal dear, but Coral politely asked me and my daughter if we could look after Puplantis and keep it safe from you both, Sid and Arrby, and others!

Moby: (sighs) Well McSquidly, we might as well wait until Coral comes back so we might as well stay here!

Mariana: Bye Moby! (dives underwater)

Moby: Bye! (sighs) I must admit, she is one mighty magical pup with that leviathan form!

McSquidly: (nods in agreement)

(scene switches to the Lookout where the pups are surprised to learn Coral ask the leviathan pups to guard Puplantis)

Skye: Very interesting idea cuz!

Coral: (giggles) Yep! Plus I saw how the mer-pups were having fun using their transformed bodies like slides which both pups seemed to enjoy!

Ella: Coral, (begging) can I please, please, please do the paw bump?

Coral: (giggles) (reveals her fish tail) Sure Ella!

(Ella eagerly gives Coral a paw pup only for flash of light to happen)

Coral: Thanks Ella!

Ella: (looks at herself) What happened to me?

(every looks back to find Ella with a fish tail)

Coral: (surprised) Ella, how did you become a mer-pup? We paw bumped, something's going on?

Mirage's voice: Or something magical!

Pups: Mirage? (looks around) Where is she?

Marshall: I can help with that! (unzips to reveal Mirage with a large tummy)

Mirage: Tada!

Pups: (surprised) Whoa!

Chase: Wait, (confused) where's Marshall?

Marshall's voice: I'm in Mirage's tummy!

Mirage: Hang on Marshall! (coughs up Marshall with ease)

Marshall: Yeah, she swallowed and switched places with me this morning!

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