Episode 19: Disparity

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CW: This chapter contains instances of Self Harm and Suicide. If any of this applies to you, then scroll down to the very bottom to read a summary of the chapter where the details will be less gruesome. I also implore those people to seek help or call the suicide help hotline for your country. This story may be fiction, but bad mental health is all too real. Take care of yourselves, and for the rest of you, enjoy the story.

Jasper's eyes blinked open as the scan of her gem completed. The rest of the group waited anxiously as Dr. Tyrarti looked over the results on the screen.

Steven (Anxious): Well...?

Tyrari's brows furrowed in shock and concern as he viewed the results of Jasper's scan.

Tyrari: That... That break in your gemstone...

The group's eyes grew wide and Jasper traced the pink cracks on her gem with her finger.

Jasper: What about it?

The doctor turns to face the group with a look of worry on his face.

Tyrarti: You were shattered, then brought back... weren't you?

Jasper (Confused): Yes...?

Tyrarti takes a deep breath before continuing.

Tyrarti: The pink seals in your gemstone greatly disrupted your inclusions, meaning... it won't function normally anymore.

Jasper bolts upright.

Jasper: WHAT?!

Connie: Whoa... what do you mean it "won't function normally?" Like... she won't poof anymore?

Tyrarti: Not... anymore... It'll just take a greater deal of damage to her physical body in order for it to happen. For example... losing a limb or being decapitated.

The group cringed at the examples given.

Tyrarti: Apologies for the gruesome descriptions, but those are a few of the only ways she'll be able to poof now. With her inclusions being disrupted by her shattering and resealing, her gemstone can't take in light or regulate magic and life essence normally anymore. There may be other issues caused by this, but that's the most prominent one that I found.

The group shares a concerned look and Jasper looks at the doctor with growing dread.

Jasper: Doc, you have to fix me! I can't have any imperfections like this!

Tyrarti looks at her with apologetic eyes.

Tyrarti: I'm sorry Jasper... but I'm afraid that won't be possible.

She slams her fist on the examination table.

Jasper: What do you mean that won't be possible?! There has to be a way!

Tyrarti: There is... but it involves shattering you again. And since you were brought back by... unconventional means... I'm not sure that your gemstone will be able to withstand being broken again.

Jasper's mouth hung open in dread as she heard those words.

Amethyst: So... she's stuck like this...? There really isn't anything you can do?

Tyrarti: I'm afraid not...

Jasper's eyes then shrunk to pinpricks and she abruptly stands up, startling everyone and having them take a few steps back. Jasper's eyes lock onto Steven, her anger and anguish boring into him. She growls and clenches and unclenches her fists several times. Her hateful gaze wavers as indecision passes over her. The group looks on as her lip begins to quiver. She then grunts in frustration and quickly storms out of the examination room. Steven tries to reach out a hand to her, but reconsiders and turns his attention back to the group. His gaze hardens as it falls on Alex.

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