Episode 9: Emerging Curiosities

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CW: Suggestive Language / Themes, Strong Language

The entire team stepped off of the warp pad and onto the main center of the Gemma Palace. Immediately, Tirzah ran up and overlooked the entire city below.

Tirzah (Awestruck): Wow...

Below them, Gemma's capital city was alive with crystallites bustling on the walkways, going in and out of buildings, and driving hover-mobiles on the streets. It was all so colorful and had lots of plants and trees growing around or on the lustrous buildings. Steven, Lars, Alex, and Sunset all joined Tirzah by the guardrail.

Alex: Pretty, isn't it?

Tirzah: I've only seen pictures and videos, I didn't think it would be this... lively.

Steven: You can thank us for that. Once we established Era 3, one of the main things that we did was basically heal the planet's crust and ecosystem. All those plants and trees that you see, those are all native to this planet, brought back from extinction by healing and nature magic.

Tirzah (Awestruck): Wow! Is there nothing that you guys can't do?

Sunset: If they aren't able to do a single thing, then I've yet to see it!

Steven and Alex chuckled then smiled at one another.

???: Hey guys~!

They all turned to see Spinel running up to them.

Pinkie Pie: Spinel!

Spinel: You're finally here! I've been ALLL morning for you guys to show up!

Her eyes fall on Tirzah.

Spinel: Ooooh! And you must be Tirzah Rose! Princess of the cetsils AND currently celebrating her 22nd year of life! We are SOOO happy to host your celebration of birth on our planet!

She takes an exaggerated bow.

Tirzah: Hello there, Spinel. I've heard quite a bit about you.

Spinel: Oh I'm sure you have. The gang all LOVES me! Right, guys?

Mettaton: *Laughs* It's true. She's such a bundle of sunshine.

Spinel then notices Steven and stretches herself over to him and coils her arms around him.

Spinel: STEVEN! How've you been, baby?

Steven: Ah! Spinel!

She cups his face in her hands.

Spinel: How's therapy going? Are you feeling better yet? Your friends aren't making it worse, are they?

Steven (Uncomfortable): No! Of course not, Spinel! They've actually helped me a lot! Now can you please let go of me?!

Spinel beams and uncoils herself from Steven. He takes a moment to catch his breath.

Steven: Spinel... look. I... I know you're only looking out for me. But PLEASE, stop doing that!

Spinel: But I was just-

Steven: I KNOW! And again, I'm already spoken for!

He puts his arm around Connie.

Connie: We understand how you feel, but you can't keep smothering him. It makes him uncomfortable.

Alex (Deadpan): It makes all of us uncomfortable.

Spinel cast her eyes down.

Spinel (Mumbling): S...still...

???: Hey guys!

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