Episode 14: Venomous Intentions

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Steven: Cheers guys! Here's to saving the universe!

Everyone: Cheers!

He and the gems clink their glasses together under a small cloud in the center of the table. The vibrations from the clinks caused the cloud to begin raining a liquid into the glasses, filling them up. Once all their glasses were filled up enough, the rain stopped and they take their glasses away and all take a sip of the new beverage. Amethyst takes her glass away from her lips and looks into it as she smacks away the remaining sparkles from her mouth.

Amethyst: Eh, it's not like the wines on Earth, but it's good.

Steven immediately spits out his mouthful of the drink.

Steven (Scared): Wait, this is alcohol?! I thought it was some kind of fancy soda!

He puts his glass down.

Steven: No wonder it was burning my mouth!

He sticks his tongue out and starts fanning it with his hand.

Negami: It's not exactly alcohol, not the one you're used to at least. It's a type of compound only found on Glickson. All it does is slow down motor functions the more one drinks. Other then that, it's fairly harmless.

Bismuth takes another sip and swirls the liquid around in her glass.

Bismuth: And you found a way to make crystallites drink it. You creatures never cease to amaze me.

Steven: But I'm only 18! I'm not supposed to drink until I'm 21!

Alex looks up from another table.

Alex: Actually, you ARE technically 21. Remember? The "time pause?"

Steven (Annoyed): Even so...

Jasper: I'm just surprised that you guys can remain so optimistic about this after everything thats happened so far.

Everyone in the dinning hall turned to look at Jasper who was sitting by herself at her own table.

Undyne: What's that supposed to mean?

Jasper picks up the "duel-prong" utensil from her place setting and twirls it around in her hand.

Jasper: I'm just saying that I noticed some... things, about you guys over the last two days. How you were all upset about what happened on the last two missions before, and now you're acting like they never happened.

She holds her prong still and turns to look at the rest of the gang at their tables.

Jasper: Am I wrong?

Pearl: I... well- we just aren't letting them get to us. We have bigger things to worry about right now.

Aaron: And we're all OK. Nobody died... really... and we all made it back from our missions safely. So there's nothing to worry about anymore.

Jasper places her prong back down on her table next to her plate of almost uneaten crystallite food.

Jasper: That's not what I mean...

Connie turns around in her chair to scowl at the quartz solder.

Connie (Indignant): Then what DO you mean?

Jasper: I mean you...

She stops as she sees the eyes of the entire room trained on her.

Jasper (Trailing Off): You all...

Peridot turns her hand around in a motion that told Jasper to "go on," but she just huffed and picked up her plate and utensils and got up from her chair.

Steven Universe Shining Friendships AU Season 7Where stories live. Discover now