Episode 13: Frozen Longevity

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CW: Normal and Fantasy Blood Descriptions, Strong Language

The remaining gang welcomed the other group on the incoming spaceship as they landed inside the hangar.

Peridot: Guys! You're ba...

She trails off, and the gang's cheerful and hopeful smiles vanished as soon as they saw the group exit the ship with somber and worried looks on their faces. Which then turned to shock as they saw Lars's space outfit covered in blood.

Twilight (Worried): W- What happened?!

Lars (Dully): I was attacked.

Sans: *!!!* By who?!

Steven (Dully): The masterminds.

He gives Lars one last look before briskly walking off. Garnet reached out a hand for him, but he didn't stop. She turned to look back at the rest of the group to join in the gang's confusion of what was going on, and what had happened during their mission to give them all such a sour mood.

Eloma (Matter-of-Factly): I got the seed, I'm gonna go put it in the conservatory with the tree.

She begins to walk away with the Chroma Seed in her arms. Several ailmaglick guards followed after her to protect her as she brought the Seed to it's new sanctuary. A few of the members noticed Jasper, who was also worried, surprisingly. She notices them staring at her and walks away as well.


Spike: So... you're saying that Emerald and Bluebird Azurite are the ones doing this? THEY'RE the masterminds?

Alex nodded as she took another piece of a yellowish, doughy-like dish covered in a blue sauce onto her two-pronged fork. It was dinnertime now, and everyone was gathered in the common area of the dorm tower eating food that was brought up for them. Lars had gotten himself cleaned up and joined them, whereas Steven hasn't been seen since he got back from the mission.

Aaron: Looks like Aquamarine and Eyeball have graduated from doing mostly-harmless pranks to full-blown cosmic antihalation.

Bismuth: But... really? I didn't think they would take their hatred so far as to try and destroy the universe.

Char: None of us did. But honestly, they're both COMPLETELY crazy, so I'm really not all that surprised.

Lars: Same goes for Emerald. I know that she wasn't happy about the new laws of Era 3 and had resigned from being a space captain, but she must really want to get back at me if she's doing all THIS.

He takes another bite of his food.

Kai: By the way, how're you feeling? You DID get stabbed in the throat.

Lars swallows his bite of food.

Lars: I'm fine now. But I really thought I was a goner for a moment there. I've never gotten an injury that bad since my resurrection before, and I was certain that I was going to die up there... again.

Mae (Desperate Enthusiasm): But you DIDN'T! Are we're all so happy that you're still here!

Lars looked back down at his plate and scraped the residual pieces of food around with his utensil.

Lars (Absentmindedly): Yeah... I am still here...

The room fell silent for a moment after that.

Negami: But seriously though, those two- er- three... were able to summon a THESTRAL?!

Eloma took a sip from her cup and nodded.

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