Episode 3: Finding Purpose

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CW: Strong Language, Mild Bloody Imagery

Dr. Gantor (Impressed): I must say Steven, the progress you've made thus far has been phenomenal. No, more than phenomenal- It's been... I honestly don't think there's a word that exists to describe it.

Steven stops sipping on the soda he had been drinking and looks up at the doctor with a smile.

Steven: Thanks doc. But you've also helped me as well. I wouldn't have made it this far if not for you.

Dr. Gantor adjusts his glasses.

Dr. Gantor: Even so, I've never once before had a patient that was able to recover from most of their trauma in little less than 2 months. I think that says much more about you then it ever will about me.

Steven laughs shyly.

Steven: It was actually surprisingly easy once I agreed to let everyone help me and not bottle up my emotions anymore. Ever since that day when I went *ahem* "Stevzilla..." My friends have been nothing but supportive and open minded about my situation. They took the time to research every possible treatment to give me, thinking over again and again which one would be the right fit for me, and just all around being there for me when I needed to vent or talk to someone. It also helped that many of my friends went through similar situations in their lives. Lloyd, Cooler, Starlight, Jestro, all of them were able to help me through this because they had felt this way themselves at some point.

Dr. Gantor: Ah, that's very insightful of them. Your friends really are something else, aren't they? If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't have made as much progress as you did.

Steven: I suppose that's true. Alex was right... They really did only want to help me. I don't know why I was so scared to trust them in the first place. After everything we've been through together, I honestly should've known better then to brush off their concerns like I did...

Dr. Gantor: ... Well... The important thing is that you're here now and getting help now. And it's really shown through for you and your friends and family.

Steven smiles.

Steven: If I'm being completely honest... I'm starting to feel like my old self again. The help from my friends, family, and you have really made me feel not as bad anymore, but we are trying to arrange something that might help me even more.

Dr. Gantor: And that is?

Steven: This thing called "reconstructive surgery" that will apparently fix all of the broken bones in my body that healed wrong.

Dr. Gantor: I see... And when will that happen?

Steven: We haven't decided on a date yet. We're all- urm- my FRIENDS are all too busy with other stuff right now to be able to set it up for me.

Dr. Gantor: Ah, OK. But even so, you really have made excellent progress in this incredibly short amount of time. I'm honestly still blown away by how much you've recovered. But I'm still required to ask... are any of your triggers still making you upset?

Steven: Well... yeah. But it's not so bad now. All of my past experiences with adventuring and confronting bad guys barely bother me anymore. It's basically just all the... gem-related stuff that still gets under my skin sometimes...

Dr. Gantor: ..... So... your other adventures in the other dimensions don't make you upset when you think about them anymore?

Steven: Well... some of them do. But they're just small instances that happened DURING those adventures and missions that warranted me getting upset. Same with the rest of the team too, those same instances made them upset, sad, or angry as well. I mean, it's hero work, it's not supposed to be fun and epic all the time.

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